Apologies for the cross-posting
The Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) will hold its next annual conference on
15-17 February
in Adelaide, Australia.
The conference will be hosted by the
University of South Australia Business School
The doctoral colloquium will be hosted by
Flinders Business School, Flinders University and will be held on
15 February.
Competitive Papers: Suitable for paper at an advanced stage of development.
Competitive Papers submitted for review should be up to 25 double-spaced (A4) pages in length, including references, figures and tables.
Workshop Papers: Suitable for work-in-progress papers, Workshop papers
are shorter conference papers that should be 10-15 double-spaced (A4) pages in length, including, references, figures and tables.
Panel Proposals: Suitable for focused panel sessions that are held
during the conference. These highly specialized sessions explore a common theme. Panel proposals that address the conference theme (TBA) are especially welcome.
Proposals from research students for participation in the
Doctoral Colloquium.
All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process.
More details about conference tracks and submission dates will be provided soon.
Further updates will also be also available on our website – www.anziba.org