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Journal of Advertising Research (JAR) Call for Papers:
Advertising in China
There is little doubt of the growing importance of China in the global economy.  Getting access to the large consumer markets in China is an increasingly pressing issue for global advertisers. Advertising in China has developed at a rapid pace as China has evolved from a limited central-planned economy to a globally-focused economic superpower.  This massive change in the advertising industry and supporting infrastructure along with the growing consumer affluence makes China a prime target for global advertisers.  The rapid changes being experienced within China argue for cutting-edge research into the nature of advertising in China and the impact of advertising on Chinese consumers.
Therefore the JAR editorial team is calling for research into advertising and its place and role in Chinese society.  The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2017.
The following list is an indicative, but not exhaustive, list of possible areas for submissions:
A preference is for empirical papers, but theoretical/conceptual papers will be considered if they provide a major advancement of understanding.  Papers should be about building advertising theory and improving advertising practice.  Given our strong practitioner readership, please place particular emphasis on practitioner implications of the research findings.
Optimal length for papers is 6,000 words, with shorter papers encouraged.  Authors can use appendices for material useful, but not central, to the paper. 
Any questions or to submit abstracts for feedback – please contact the Executive Editors:  Professor John B.  Ford for North American submissions ([log in to unmask]) and Professor Jenni Romaniuk for submissions from other locations ([log in to unmask]).
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