


Special Issue of the China Economic Review





Deadline for abstract submission: May 31, 2016

Deadline for final submission: August 31, 2016



China has firmly installed itself as a key player in the world trade and investment arena. Not even four decades since its opening up, it has surpassed Germany and the United States to become the world’s largest exporter. Adding to this, it has recently become the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) as well as the largest source of outward FDI (if Hong Kong is included). Originally, the key driver of China’s growing clout in international economy has been its export-led growth strategy. From the onset of its open-door policy in the early eighties, China has made attraction of export-oriented FDI a key element of its development path. Abundant supplies of low-cost labor and artificially cheap inputs to production, as well as an undervalued currency, contributed to China’s attraction of FDI and its comparative advantage in low-skilled exports. Decades of rapid economic growth, however, are now threatening to undermine China’s export-led growth. Rising labor costs (especially in the coastal area), tightening regulations and currency appreciation have gradually eroded China’s comparative advantage in low-skilled exports. As a consequence, China has spent significant resources trying to rebalance its economy by moving from an export-led growth strategy to a consumption-led growth model and by pushing the companies to upgrade their activities up a global value chain.


The new trends beg a serious question how China’s Great Rebalancing Act affects the country’s integration in the world economy. Is China’s growing middle class changing the type of FDI that it is able to attract? Is China’s export sector moving up the value chain and specializing in higher-skilled activities such as innovation? What explains the massive rise of Chinese outward FDI? And how does all this matter for China’s economic performance?


This special issue aims to provide insights into these questions by exploring and explaining new trends in China’s exports, FDI inflows and outflows. We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions adopting different perspectives, and focusing on different levels of analysis and research methodologies. Particularly, we welcome empirical papers that make use of original data and that can explain their findings non-technically and for wider audiences. Possible research questions that would suit to this special issue include but are not limited to the following: What is the impact of inward FDI on investment, innovation and industrial sophistication in China? What is the impact of outward FDI on China’s economic integration and development? How do China’s shift towards services and the emergency of the middle class affect FDI flows and global economy?


·         The submission deadline for this special issue is 31 August 2016. Potential author(s) are encouraged to send us a proposal or abstract for pre-review by 31 May 2016 to the Managing (Guest) Editor(s) at [log in to unmask] with an email subject “China CER Special”.




Ari Van Assche, Ph.D.

Department Chair / Associate Professor

Department of International Business



3000, chemin de la Côte‑Sainte‑Catherine, Montréal (Québec) H3T 2A7

Téléphone : 514 340-6043  Télécopieur : 514 340-6987



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De : ari van-assche
Envoyé : 4 août 2015 11:34
À : [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Cc : 'Ari Van Assche' <[log in to unmask]>
Objet : HEC Montreal – Faculty Position in International Business


The Department of International Business of HEC Montréal is recruiting a new faculty member (full-time Assistant or Associate Professor) starting in June 2016. We have particular needs in the areas of international development, global knowledge and innovation management, and economic geography, but will also consider excellent candidates from other domains of international business. The successful candidate will engage in high-quality teaching and research on the changing global economic landscape and the practical challenges that it entails for companies and society. The position is subject to budgetary approval.


HEC Montréal: Founded in 1907, HEC Montréal ( is one of the oldest and largest business schools in North America. The School has 13,000 students in its 38 business programs, from the undergraduate to postgraduate levels, and employs more than 260 professors. It was the first business school in North America to be accredited by all three agencies AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. Its M.Sc. and MBA program consistently rank among the world’s best.


Department of International Business: The Department of International Business ( consists of 15 full-time professors from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. Faculty members have published their research in various leading academic journals including Econometrica, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Management Science, Research Policy and World Development. The Department offers a broad selection of MBA courses in international business, offers an international business major at the B.A.A. level, a M.Sc. in international business, and an international business major at the Ph.D. level. At all levels, courses are taught in both French and English.


Requirements: Candidates should have the following qualifications:


Application procedure: Interested candidates should e-mail Professor Ari Van Assche ([log in to unmask]) in English or in French before September 1, 2015 their curriculum vitae, a cover letter that summarizes research and teaching experience, teaching evaluations and a sample of recent publications. Furthermore, the applicant should arrange to have three letters of reference e-mailed to the same address.


HEC Montréal is committed to employment equity.  In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, the school will give priority to candidates who are either citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Candidates must indicate whether or not they meet this criterion.






Ari Van Assche, Ph.D.

Department Chair / Associate Professor

Department of International Business



3000, chemin de la Côte‑Sainte‑Catherine, Montréal (Québec) H3T 2A7

Téléphone : 514 340-6043  Télécopieur : 514 340-6987



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