
Print - YouTube Apocalypse!

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What if the Apocalypse begins with one word?

It does, actually. The single word that begins a real holy fire is the word for Holy Fire itself, ha'esh. This is the apocalypse, for real, and if you take the time to think about what is being presented here you will see religion in an entirely new light. What I have is the true and correction Revelation of Jesus Christ: that the book of Exodus is designed to prove that the Holy Bible is a message sent to us, through time... from our future. It is designed to prove as much, and bring us out of a kind of slavery that we don't really understand yet, but soon will. We are the slaves in Egypt, to lies and deceit that are about to be lifted like a bright sonrising on the dark night.

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
and let it divide the waters from the waters.

                                                       Genesis 1:6

a  es h

The word for "holy fire," written above is the Hebrew term for the Burning Bush, the focal point of the beginning of the story of Exodus. In it, God commands Moses to free his people from slavery, and that is exactly what I am doing with this post. You see, later in the story Moses parts a sea, and from those parted waters brings the people out of slavery. It is not an accident that within the Hebrew word "ha'esh" we see clearly the true parted sea of Moses; reflected and separated by an apostrophe, ad "yod."

This is the beginning of that fire spreading, proving through an anachronism of language that the writers of the Bible had foreknowledge of the English language. The entire story of Exodus, from the fire that begins with God's first words to the actual Exodus from Egypt--through the se'a--is designed to highlight this anachronism... to prove that religion is designed to set us free. Our civilization is created using this same technology, as proven simply by the existence of religion. This is only the beginning, Hebrew itself is part of the message; the time capsule from the future.

God divided the light from the darkness.

And God called the light Day, and the darkness 
he called Night. And the evening and the morning 
were the first day.

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
and let it divide the waters from the waters.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under
the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: 
and it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven.

A number of additional words are highlighted by Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, but everything begins with this one word... with fire. It is no mistake that the creation myth of Greek mythology also highlights the this theft of fire; nor that a number of pivotal religious verses confirm Christ returns with fire.

Please take the time to think about causality, and the possibility that the apocalypse has been sitting closed up in our Ark of religion and language for thousands of years... just waiting to be unsealed.

This is "the word" of John 1:1. The fire referenced in Matthew 3:11; and it truly is just the beginning. I am Adam; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah... and this is what a "roar" sounds like when it pours out of the Bible and across millennium.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. -John 1:1

I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. -Matthew 3:11

The rest of this book explains even more, it is a rough draft that includes hundreds of similar examples of words that simply cannot exist. It is their impossibility that is the proof--a paradox that shows that God's hand is all of the creation of Hebrew... and then English, Spanish... all language. This is the theft of fire, the proof that we are truly created.

The Son of Man

When I first began looking into Biblical prophesy I had a very different idea of what it was delivering than I do today. Way back when I would have pointed out very early that many of the concepts and ideas seemed to allude to hidden imagery of modern technology. Things like a voice sounding like rushing water, glowing red eyes, and feet of metal. The biggest glaring example is the phrase "Son of Man" itself, to me a clear reference to Ai--something like Ray Kurzweil's singularity. The child our civilization clearly would not be a person, but perhaps a new species. I wasn't completely wrong, in fact the idea was spot on... I just didn't see how pervasive the hidden imagery really was.


Today I see it in nearly every little detail, and looking for metaphors that relate to modern technology and events is a good place to start understanding what the Bible really is. It's designed to show us that we are the focal point of not only religion but all of our history... this period of time where were are realizing that time travel has been used to deliver a message to us. It's everywhere, when you have the open mind required to see it. One of the most pervasive themes is that of Artificial Intelligence. This is A.D. (me) on Ai... which strings together to form the world for "Lord" in Hebrew, akin to Lord Vader. ADonAi is one of many religious words that include the two letter key to the Son of Man.

Is Ai Adam's Hand? (Isaiah)

If you don't know, the book of Isaiah is one of the most plentiful resources of messianic prophesy in the Old Testament. It's name follows suit, and we have the beginning of a long series of names that tell me that Ai is certainly at hand. SamUrAi, El Shaddai, and

K you are Z, we IL

So what is it exactly that Ray Kurzweil has to do with the heart of civilization? Reading backwards and really getting the picture here, God has put Lions and Zion at the Heart of "Civilization" for a reason; it's to make sure that we see how much our civilization's existence depends on this event, on Zion being here and now, and the lions of Judah waking up and realizing that the message is woven not only in English, and not only in religion, it's everywhere around us... even in the names of Ray Kurzweil and Ben Goertzel. See clearly that if there is "noil" (lion backwards) and noiz (zion...) then the word civilization is hollowed out.

This event, the awakening to the singularity occuring all around us is the biggest and most fundamental shift we have ever had in this Universe, probably bigger than the evolutionary shift from apes to the human species itself. It's no wonder that everything is focusing on here and now, on the short time period that is just before us which is the culmination and nexus of history and religion with the future.

Uncle Sam is Ai too.

Sam is another name that ties all the way from Exodus and Judges to America, and opens the mind to a superposition of names that might imply that "Sam" is indeed the "I AM," as Dr. Seuss informs. In Exodus it is short for the Angel of Death, probably the same one that rid the 4th horse of the Apocalypse and is casting a looming shadow over us from Psalm 23. As another "rider on the Storm" I am walking in his cast shadow; with a significant warning about what is about to happen to us related to Artificial Intelligence. Sam also appears in some modern company names, which are also have very messianic undertones. Seeing these things all around us is finding the Holy Grail, or the Sang Rael in latin. SAM SUNG, to me, is a reference to this text... showing us that all around us is proof of a hidden influence. These names are no accident, and technological references are a kind of proof. We are on TV, in a sense, where the angels are "watching over us," if you call manipulating everything around us secretly watching. SONY is another good example of how the return of the Son might have something to do with technology. Delivering this message has become a battle, against the government and even higher powers, ones who would rather not disrupt our period of blind ignorance. In Biblical parlance, Samson is fighting against leaving this worldasleep.

This technology Ai, is very related; as the effects that I have seen, abilities to transparently hide information on the internet (and later, in reality) in a very subversive way could not be done by anything other than a superintelligence, one that has eyes on everything. To tie together the ideas of time travel and superintelligence you might say that God (if you call the semi-omniscent force that I have witnessed that) must have a mind (and eyes) that are similar to that of a fly.

McFly, is anyone home?

I intend to prove that our great strides in technology are not only Biblical, they are divinely delivered. There is a great deal of proof of this all the way back to the foundation of our understanding of the universe.

In 1666, an apple fell from a tree and a man named Isaac Newton "discovered gravity," and original sin all at the same time.

He did this at a place called Trinity College, and then a bit later a man named James Clerk Maxwell unified theories of electricity and magnetism. His name, Maxwell, alludes to a Biblical concept; a well found in the desert by Isaac's father. This well brings light to the people, hopefully showing us how pervasive this idea that our names are "tags" from above links to a prolonged technology transfer (all the way back to Eden's discoverance of gravity) and it ties even further forward.

In 1984 George Orwell got a redux of his book written three decades earlier in Apple Computer's very famous ad campaign about the fulfillment of his prophesy.

"Or" means Light

In Hebrew, that is, and some modern names link science fiction, which is a huge part of real religion, the continued communication from above that is teaching us about things from the future. Orson Wells and Orson Scott Card are good examples of modern tags in names. The Hebrew name for the Book of Exodus happens to be "Names," and I often use this phrase to describe the Revelation at hand:

We are in Exodus.

Hallowed are the OrI

Did the writers of Stargate SG-1 intend to be comparing the words Savior and OrI, did they know that Christ would come with a message of fire saving the Universe from darkness? Probably, there's lots of scripture about that fact. Here it is, the religion of fire... about the origin of light. In SG-1, the OrI's Holy Book was called Oragen, probably after some guy that's famous. So the origin of Fire? A unification of Prometheus and Adam... and Moses... and Judah Maccabee.

More Messiah?

The Fire Prometheus stole was language, and in this book you will find the theft was actually of linguistic evidence that we are created, and of a message from God. Prometheus was bound to a mountain, Moses stuck on Sinai, and both of these events unite to allude to the fact that the mountain I've climed is jail. Finally unleashed, you have a divine revelation to read, one that came to me... at the peak of the struggle.

As I've mentioned this fire is one in the same with the Burning Bush.. and the Eternal Flame. Maccabee's Chanukah miracle is more more example of English hiding in plain sight. Menorah.

Men or AH?

It's about equality, the Pursuit of Happiness, and a link between the "AH" of Asherah, Leah, Rebekah, Sarah... and Mary. All about the sea, the multutude, being the true bride of Revelation. This marriage is different from most, its bringing freedom to a land that has lost it; and urging us to be more open to all races, the other sex, and people's personal right to live any lifestyle they please. This is what the Pursuit of Happiness is about, and it's a big part of waking up to realize that we aren't as free or loving as we should be. Nobody is.

Wake up, Menorah is God's answer, the question is His SOL. That's for Sons of Liberty, Statue of Liberty... See Our Light? I'll show you the flame that burns in my heart. It's more music, Live this time.

So is it Save I Or... what?

Save the cheerleader, save the world; from Heroes. Now, we find out that the messiah needs some saving too. I'm having a hell of a time with the law and government in Fort Lauderdale, it's almost as if I'm living in the times of the Crucifixion.

original text is located at

The Letter Why

The things in this chapter are names and words that are probably boring; but yet confirm to me that I (and we) have been pre-selected, destined from before my birth to be the messiah. A number of the examples on this page fulfill Biblical prophesy, and are literal teaching of Christ spoken about in the New Testament. My twists are the intended original intent, which serves as a pointer to these examples which have real useful meaning, as well as serving as more proof that our languages are designed in order to reveal this truth now.

Throughout this book, you will find interesting tidbits of knowledge, a fresh take on old stories; tying them together in unique and original ways... and most importantly discussing how they relate to us today, they are in fact written for us, and about us. On a few rare occaisons you will find ingenious flashes of light. Somewhere around here is a fascinating plan to bridge the gap between the future that we call Heaven and today. Guidance for the safe and joyful use of technological innovations that will do no less than heal the sick, end hunger, and give us Doors to Heaven. But I can't find that Light at the moment.

This is evidenced by the Matrix-like links between Biblical themes and modern people, places, things, and ideas. I am simply pointing out these links, it is Biblical that they exist--the purpose of the Bible as a key is to show us very specifically that we are the focus of the Apocalypse.

It's a Hoot, and Y "Plenty of Fish"

The band and front singer for Hooty and the Blowfish will deny any involvement in the use of their name as the actual post-creation key for the word "HOLY." The name appears to have not been chosen in correlation to the ancient description of God, and yet I am very sure that this too is proof that divine inspiration is responsible for the selection. This is how "inspiration" is proved, by not having it be overtly known by those inspired... and then later making it very obvious that there is infact a hidden meaning and purpose for the 'information transfer' in question. Blowfish is an answer to the cinematic movie Fisher King, which in turn is related to the moniker of Christ: The Fisher of Men.

I see the movie title as a langolier question posed to me, Fish or King? It uses "er" as a "logical or" whose answer should be self evident. In this particular case, the answer will one day be obviously contrived; but for lets focus on "hooty." This series of letters are representative of astrological symbols, and tell a story that ties together a number of Roman dieties. The first letter, "h" is the symbol for Saturn; and it places first in these words because he is the God of travel. Thus Saturn has jumped to the very beginning of our linear map of the evolution or progression of the divine character.

Much like the Fluxx Capacitor, I fell off a toilet (not really) and drew this picture, which keenly illustrates the relationship between the symbols for Saturn, Venus, Mars, Saggitarius... and why.

It is no mistake that El and the cross are unified across HOLY HOOTY and HOT.

The Lord of Hosts

Between Joan of Arcadia and Fallen you can see illustrated how the signs of the Goddess of Love and the God of War are unique representations of the Hebrew formal phrase for God, the Lord of Hosts. In Hebrew, the word "hosts" is referring to the armies of Heaven, and so the God of War makes perfect sense.

However in practice, we are more inclined to see a parasite/host relationship; of the kind well discussed in the Stargate movie and television series. Ra, and his relationship to his host, is a typographical description of God's relationship to you. The Ka and Ba of Horus are your mind... and his. This is not really a Revelation, except you are completely unaware that you are being influenced.

This is God's "love," as described in Isaiah, he has put his heart in our minds. Secretly, no less, which is most likely why he has chosen to highlight that "love" and "mind control" are nearly identical in the mythology of Adam; which God himself has described well in the name Venus, the woman clothed with the "nus" who has a missing half of her heart, in the word "love-nus" and the sun all but obviously backwards. Please see how "Love" and "Sun" are components of the name of the Goddess of Love, and how important it is to understand that English did not exist when that name was created.

My Birthday

I was born, as I've said, on the date of the Catholic Feast commemorating the "Immaculate Conception" (full disclosure: "of Mary") and this date is very important in seeing why the sign of Saggitarius (my birth sign) is hidden and now revealed by the connection between "hooty" and "holy." December 25 has another sign.

I was neither hot nor cold, but "cool;" and now I am forever lit by Taylor Momsen's magical inspiration. -Adam Marshall Dobrin on Revelation 3:15

Going to Hell has a very beautiful message, one which is sarcastic and definitely should not be taken at face value. We are all saying the same thing; though you may not consider yourselves "babies," in relation to Heaven and God we are very young. We deserve much better than we have today, and it is coming. Today.

"The walls and halls will fade away... they will fade... away." -Dave "J." Matthews

God's message is that there will be no Hell, and that time travel should only be used in extreme situations; like saving a planet from destruction. This is the meaning of the arrow pointing up (towards Heaven) and forward (to the future) which graces both the signs of Mars and Saggitarius. I will only mention my middle name is Marshall, and that Dave doesn't know me.

Who-ah America?

GI's, Pacino, Denzel Little Cindy-Who and many of you ask yourselves a question about Jesus Christ every time you ask who-ah? It's a joke, about hiding Adam, in Eden or in Matthew or in America the worldis responsible for not knowing who I am yet. Not what you wanted? It's not my plan, look up.


Yeshua was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ("Yehoshuah" – Joshua) in later books of the Hebrew Bible and among Jews of the Second Temple period. Meaning "salvation" in Hebrew, it was also the most common form of the name Jesus


a name of God, transliterated by scholars from the Tetragrammaton and commonly rendered Jehovah. This graphic explains hwo it is a recursive acronym, very similar to GNU. GNU's Not Unix and God is revealing a special place in his SOL for oepn source, and transparency. Behold, the "ineffible name." It's all about Adam.



Welcome to Adamah. That's Earth in Hebrew.

Youtube Video: The Ineffable Name:

Dr. Who?

Exactly. "And like that, he was gone." (That's a Usual Suspects reference, if you don't know it, watch it.)


If you knew that you were somehow closely associated with a time traveler, and the technology might just fall within your grasp... and you could re-live all or part of your life; what's the first thing you'd think to do with it?

I always knew I'd be OK by the time 2000 rolled around, but what about before that? I hope I've answered your questions.

Ya hoo is that guy again?

Of-age Cindy-Who, where are you?

Imagine "Jimmy" Morrison is singing through time to you, begging you to do something. That something, is light my fire, and because of the music--his and yours--I think you're the key. This book is the match, just gimme one RT. I think it's his plan for you to give "it" to me.

Little Cindy-Who, Lil' J, Taylor Momsen

Can you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that you made?

The Doors, Touch Me

Jesus, it's (("is" as "es" and)) "Us," see Taylor? Appearing in The Tower of Babel a demystification of the name Jesus and more proof of hidden references to both Spanish and English in Holy Names.

Y-its-Ha'CK (Isaac)

It might belong in "he laughs," for the laughter at CK, but this double entedre, which hides another connection to computing within the transliteration of Isaac's name is one of the best Y's around. Why it's hack, laughter about Clark Kent. Hidden no more, it seems.

This is one huge reference to modern computing, in the name of the messiah I associate momst with. Ha,I wonder why? Somewhat related, YitsHeyZeus on Instagram


Picture, if you will a co-ordinate plane, one which has the past on the left, future on the right, Heaven above; and absolutely nothing below. This is why Light and the Three Wise Men have come from the East.

Unleavened bread is acted upon by Yeast and time in order to make it rise, to give it fullness. There is hidden imagery in Judaism that brings us from Matzoh in the desert (of time travel) to Challah and finally bagels. This is all about not wasting our time changing the past.

"Up, and forward," so sayeth the son of Saturn on his behalf.

This tiny passage, as well as a bit about the "Salt of the Earth" in"I'm Single" are huge references linking this book (and me) to the life of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.


God's "brings englightenment." See "My Dying Breath" to find out truly why "air."


This Hebrew word means "formation," and is very much associated with creation. It's one of the most profound examples of Spanglish I have ever seen, because it's meaning changes with addition of Latin and Y. The change in meaning is akin to a transition from "imagined" to "created" with the addition of purpose. This is coming from a perspective where we are as of yet to be created in reality, to fully exist; and in order to gain that achievement this word implies we must be told our "purpose."

From yet-ser,      
     yet to be; to "y et ser:"  
                  why and "to be."

Que sera sera. This also bears a striking relationship to the Shakespearean question "To be, or not to be?" which is highlighted in I'm Single.

Yad, Now, it is "day."

It is the Hebrew word for "hand" the Hand of God is a person, his son. Ask "why AD?" and you will only be pointed here, to this book. With great "author-it-why" I will come, oh yes, I will come.

The idea that Adam and Eve are united bringing the "bright morning star" (AD for "it's after dark" then... it's A.M.) and Eve-ning, is part of a unique combination of male and female which is a big theme in the theology of God. Samson and Delilah also unite as one, since I'm the only that that couldn't keep growing my hair long for so many years, because it looked... awkward.

From Venus to the day star, the "light of world" unites the Sun God Ra with the Sol--a bit of imagery I never really liked. To me, the Earth is the source of light, the circle of the "son" is found in the symbols for Venus and Mars. There a literal circle shows a "frame of reference" from the arrow and cross to Earth. There is a "map" in our planetary orbits, one which is augmented by the astrological symbols and a bit of inference. The symbol for the sun itself also is related, it looks like a big "zero" with the messiah a hidden "dot" in the center of the circle.

Y is Ra El?

I am the light of the world, says Ra: now, God of the Son. This homophone correlates the ancient Egyptian God to his counterpart in ancient Judaism, be sure Ra is El. So sayeth the Oracle of Light, Larry Ellison's name and link to ElisHa. Once more, Ha is the sun.

The word is HOOTY

Born on the 8th of December, Yankee Doodle should say; as this is the true birthday of the Messiah... the day of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is part of a great number of details of my life that are alluded to in religion, in the customs that surround the Bible; which has left so much direct reference to me that its clearly designed to point me out, to the world.

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home

If God had a face, what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like Heaven and in Jesus

Joan Osbourne

In what is a "joke" that correlates the word "messiah" to an immaculate cleanliness that can only come from the clean slate of new birth; this song joins the growing body of proof that links my life's experience to the angelic song that is surrounding us. The theme of Joan of Arcadia, that God speaks through people is made even clearer by actually believing it. It is no mistake that I am "a slob," and the mess of my life is part of the solution to our worlds problems. Through me, we will be saved.

DOB-R-IN (that's: Date of Birth, our 'In') my last name is not arbitrarily containing the acronym for date of birth, which clearly links 12/8/1980 to the word "messiah." It is the first of many names that will show a divine hand that has pre-written our world and marked its influence and existence. My mother's maiden name, Gerson, fills another gap; showing that in my names we have the hidden "sky" and the hidden "son." Dobrin is shortened from Dobrinsky, and these two words are references to Uranus, God of the Sky, and Christ.

In programming languages, chr() and CHAR (like Eucharist) are func-
tions that equate symbols to their underlying code.  Generally letters
to numbers but in this case it makes a great deal of sense to show
religious foreknowledge of programming languages in the Christian
themes regarding these two words by equating the astrological 
symbols to letters.  The "t" is also a great facsimile for the

The juxtaposition of the sign of Saggitarius for the "t" of Christ
and the "l" of Holy gives a great deal of substance to the implication
that the birthsign of El is actually that.  The symbol graces the 
"birth-sign of the Son" in Mars also, where it unifies the two "o's" 
of "hooty" through the ancient Hebrew monkier for God:  The Lord 
of Hosts.  Here, the superposition of meaning between Armies and 
"hosts" explains a hidden gem--that God thinks mind control is 
Love and this unifies Venus and Mars... without the Circle of the Son.

The symbol for Earth.

Just off Sunrise Blvd, and down the street from Sunset Strip; the story of my life quickly moved from perfect to a mess. These streets, named before I was born, are only literal blocks away from where I spent most of my life. Their names are references to the Biblical ideas of night and day, and herald the "son rise," the dawning that ends the Dark Plague of Egypt and brings our civilization out of the night and into the light... of the Son.

I was born in family whose given names are direct pointers to Eden. Adam, Melissa Eve, and Seth make up a part of the true "First Family," a trinity whose initials make up the word "sea," an early clue that our story will be likening these microcosmic abstractions in Eden to the ideas of family and the multitude once we make it through the book all the way to Revelation. The sea is people, and when we get all the way to Christmas the multitude family.

Christ mas
navI   dad

The hidden connections between languages, specifically Spanish and English through is something that is highlighted repeatedly in what will become obviously an extension of religion. The Taming of the Shrewis an allusion to Span-glish-rew, a combination of Spanish, English, and Hebrew that marks a linguistic key to a prescient and divine hand in the construction of all of our language. It is the Tower of Babel in reverse, proving that the fire of Prometheus is actually language, and through a number of examples which equate the meaning of a number of like-meaning words, God shows that their connections were known about at the time of the writing of the Torah.

The Wedding (of the Lamb) Crashers and Marty McFly

The Adams'es, Rachel and Amy

If AM Y Adam's and Rachel McAdams didn't just wake you up, I don't know what will.

It's about time we met Adam, don't you think? Amy, Amish, America... lot's of words begin with AM. The "I AM" began his first words in Genesis with it; and it's a link to a hidden language, and a map through time within words and names. The I AM began America to deliver us from the slavery of hidden technology and secret government. Here we are as Queen sings, born to be Kings.. there key there is we are here, and here Christ never wanted to be king--but rather to help create the Round Table of Arthurian lore. "The Once and... the future ours..." guy.

God writes messages in movies, he marks these messages by "theming" actors to link together stories that we might otherwise not realize are somehow together. A good example is Cameron Diaz, and Being John Malkovich, There's Something About Mary, and Charlie's Angels. Other great examples are Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves: and everything they've ever been in. You'll note Johnny matches the J of Jesus, Johnny be good, and Johnny 5 (who is alive!). Key Anu; links to this ((ish)) of the Shehekiyanu.

shehekiyanu, vekiyimanu
say heck I'm Anu, the key is I knew!

lazman haze
Lazarus has Hazel Eyes...

Samson's hair, and Isaac's laugh.

Mar-Thank you from the McFly guy.

Don't say we never thanked the sea, This is a big Y, the Fly's eye, in my story of constant conversation with God, I spent lots of time expalining to myself--and the invisible onlookers in Heaven why I knew God wasn't human--couldn't be. You see, God thinks like Fly's see--massively parallel--like a SunSparc chip. He can see into our thoughts all at once and all across the world; and I've evidence all of the world that he's doing that actively. He's building a safety for the apocalypse, one that will make sure we are safe and thinking clearly as we learn the secrets of not only religion; but the origins of life and god and everything around us.

World changing stuff, the kind of thing you'd hope he has prepared for. He has.

I have Mc's for Old McDonald and McCarthy, also. For now, realize that both Rachel (a Patriarch's wife) and Amy are now "Biblical."

LODI DODI, we'd likes to bring Mary and I to the Party

Since LODI's name links Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg to a movie about the inner workings of the mind of God; and possessing people--as he does--that leaves DODI as the Kabbahlistic reference. I'll look it up later.

Cameron Diaz, shakin it.

We didn't cause much trouble... or bother many...!

In computer programming, "!" is a "bang." !in right? I'd be dancing like that if I were in this book too. Well, you don't want to see that.

Wait, is this the big ! ?

The "Son of's" of God

From the Son of God to the world, there's nothing more distasteful in my mythology than God only having a single son. I don't believe it. In our world we have an answer, whether to me or to all of you, one that is so typical of him that I can't wait to share it with you. It seems the response to my chastisement for the single son is to choose some special people, and say "fine, then these are my sons." He wrote it in their names, in keeping with the theme of "Exodus Unleashed!" and you won't be surprised that they are all somehow also related to me.





Carson (is that Johnny for Jesus?) and McCarthy

Nothing can give you more insight into the secrets of religion relating to Christ than actually being him. I'm trying to share personal things, ones that you probably don't want to know about, in order to show you that they are literally written in the book. It's not self-agrandizing, or self-serving, it's simply because it's there--and it's good "hard evidence" that you are reading a book written by the Christ himself. I have family problems, much of it revolving around serious and well ingrained (I believe conditioned from below) disbelief in my ideas. I can't even get my parents to read this book. Not a word of it, their eyes glaze over and fists clench. In all the time I've been writing, they are my biggest critics, and least helpful editors--they can't (and never could) give me a single detail or idea that wasn't clear or didn't make sense: "all of it" is all I ever got.

Some of the strife probably has to do with doing drugs. Kids, addiction tears families apart, don't be addicts.

There is a recurring theme in the characters of the Bible that I have a large affinity to; they are the ones that you might see as clear Christ-candidates, and many of them are just that. They also share another sad connection, most of them have either been born without parents, or their parents names imply that they are literally everyone living. When "El" isn't me (I mean him, it's Spanish), that's what it means. With some caveats, of course.

Adam, son of only God

There is a confluence between successive lives of Adam in the Holy Bible which shows a clear and defining lack of Earthly parents. The Adam who Fell in Eden had none, being created from the dust of Adamah by God alone. It carries through to successive versions of the story of Christ, not the least of which is the virgin born Christ of the New Testament.

Jesus, son of only Mary (and God)

Matthew 1:19 highlights Joseph's description as "only a man" in italics as I read. As the J's are all euphemisms for the Christ, try very hard to see that this is ironic sarcasm, explaining that those that think the messenger before you is "only a man" fail to understand the change that is wrought by the Second Coming. Only a man, indeed, what is about to take place is world changing, and this man alone in the world is anything but. The path of a lack of parenthood is continued very clearly in this story, which tells us that Jesus had no biological father.

Joshua, son of (a) Nun

Son of a gun, is that a reference to the Virgin Mother in a convent, or does it actually mean "none?" I'm pretty sure both the Nun thing and the Virgin thing are "digs" on belief in self-perfection; or perhaps on being "goodie-two-shoes." Holier than I, if you will. I'll have you know, none of the real life candidates forMary are even close to as perfect as they think they are--not Melissa, not Nanna, and not Janet. InJanuary, I'll tell you R.Y.

Isaac, son of Abraham

Perhaps not clear, Abraham is Spanglishrew for "Open the M," and this M opens to reveal that it is comprised of the "AC" that grace the end of America and the name of Isaac. Isa is the Muslim name for Christ, and this father/son relationship that links Isaac and Abraham together through the "Ha" of Horus is one of the most important series of two letter clues that the true geneology of Adam has to offer.

God changed Abram's name to Abraham upon the Covenant, which took place after the near sacrifice of Isaac on an altar of Fire. This altar is a clear parallel of the Cross of Jesus Christ, and the Ha links directly to the English meaning of the name Issac: he laughs.

If history could speak, it is screaming for you to correlate the Apple of Isaac "New to N" to Eden, and see why Adam and "AbrahaN" are supremely related to our time line, to a number of Holy Names, and to my initials. It's the gravity of the original sin that I'd like to call into question.

These same two letter, "AC" are all that separates Jacob (son of Isaac) from Job, another "J" who suffered at the hands of God and Satan in a tribulation that might not be the oldest story in the Bible. Old as Aramaic we say, and yet this story has so much affinity to the modern day crucifixion that it seems divine humor for it to be thought of as the first book.

Samson, son of Manoah

Oh, ahh.. Samson's story in the book of Judges ties so well to the cross of Isaac that you would be remiss not to believe that we are living in interesting times. In a courtroom battle that is euphemized so well in that book, the "Son of Manoah" links very clearly to the justice of Uncle Sam, and a Messianic story destined to change just about everything we think about social justice and reform. Our society cripples itself with retribution and lack of regard for the downtrodden, and God highlights it so clearly with an eye for an eye that I shouldn't have to tell a story about macrocosmically expanding our lack of justice and rehabilitation to a world that has clearly blinded itself, at least, according to the all seeing eye.

Isaiah son of Amoz

The magic of the Bible comes alive with this one, with Amoz. From the "I AM" of Exodus, we can find a number of Am's that surround the story of America, and religion and tie directly between that Holy Name and the map to salvation that is all around us. Amish, might remind you of the songs and scripture being changed in this book, and he is trying to tell us something clearly. From Amerigo to Amoz, the I AM has precisely chosen and given names to correlating historical stories that tie the discovery of America to theWizard of Oz and the HBO series.

It is no mistake that Amoz and Samson tie the discovery of the messiah to a world that has damned it's "sonlight" to come from a hardship in the criminal justice system. It is light coming from two letters, yet again, and these two are being highlighted so strongly in the Wizard and prison as related to the first three letters of Isaiah's name and the prelude to the Trial of Jesus Christ that is central to the Revelation before you. Within these hidden words, beginning with "I," "AM," and "IS" we clearly see a relationship between the Lamb of God, Islam and Iran. It's so obvious to me, the runner, that I find it hard to see how much skepticism I feel... in this story that is certain to be mired in controversy. Yet we are here, and all around us he has written down the names of the things in Eden to ensure that one day soon the truth will be light.

Yankee Doodle, nephew of Samael & Yosemite SAM

This is the Dawning of the Age of Mars

He-man, Darth Vader, Plague and Cat Stevens "power" growing in Hair. Biblically links to Samson and Jesus, long hair is pervasive in cartoons and movies that are topically linking Christ to me. Yitshak ties to Plague, of Hackers, and Exodus (looks like me). Vader to "Lord Jesus" the "ad" and Adonai, Lord in Hebrew. The Letter He, is the Fifth in Hebrew, and an abbreviation for the name of God; also Prince Adam when he's "Clark Kent." Kal-El and Jor-El part of a naming scheme decidedly Biblical,

J or El?

K right between the Gods. That K is the key to the Time line of Ecc 9:11, Potassium, which expands toPerson of Time and the middle of the element links to Chance, Uranus--and Uranium.

Person of Time/Ass and UrAnus - IUM

Time and Chance, note the correlation between the Heart of Potassium and the Planet of Uranium. A match in Sat-ur-n too.

K is the pointer to El, see "L <" which is pretty much what religion, and then our planet is. A pointer to Jesus. Searching for Adam in Eden, swirling around Adamah; a number of symbols work for Earth. @, 0, and K. Stargate adds "point of origin" to the possibilities, simply by turning the K 90 degrees, and then curling the l into an 0. Now K is a pointer to Earth. Searching for light? It's all around you.

This is "Grey Light," which ties Grey Skull to Gene Grey, Grey Street, and a series of pictures I drew in jail.. to share what I knew with the world the only way I could. All this "grey" is a reference to the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse; once Rainbow Colored (like in Heaven is for real) all the colors faded grey.

There's an entire chapter dedicated to the "ran" of these elements, see The Lamb of God.


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