Cori & Nea Nickels

Organic Vision does not show your e-mail address in our records, and zero of our DBs.
We cannot remove from what we do not have.

Maybe our e-mails are going to another e-mail address of yours and are set up by your to forward to [log in to unmask]

LIST people - after a little study...I would not click on that URL below...this could be a SPAM e-mail.


From: "Nea Nickels" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Mon, 7 Mar 2016 21:04:10 -0500
Subject: Email list I'm on

Please remove me from your email list. I get so many & I'm not interested in any of them. [log in to unmask] Thanks

Cori & Nea Nickels
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