


*Market Channels for your Farm*

Shine a big light on your farm by maximizing new and traditional media, 
beefing up in-person strategies and honing in on your farm’s unique 
brand. Leave the workshop with your own marketing plan for 2016 that 
includes measurable outcomes and a take-home set of resources for free 
or cheap.

/*Wednesday, March 23, */6:00-8:00 p.m.

Cost: $20

/*North Central Michigan College*/, SCRC 536, 1515 Howard St., Petoskey, 
MI 49770

Presented by /*Mary Brower*/, Bluestem Farm

Register here <>

*Holistic Management Financial Planning*

Holistic Management® Financial Planning integrates all aspects of the 
farm operation, manages cash flow, controls expenses throughout the year 
and creates financial benchmarks for achieving profitability.

/*Tuesday, March 29,*/ 6:00-8:30

Cost: $20

/*SBDC, 1209 S Garfield Road, Suite C*/ • Traverse City MI 49686

Presented by /*Larry Dyer, */Holistic Management® Certified Educator

Register here 

For other great learning opportunities visit

Larry Dyer

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