

Hi all!
Sorry to bother those who are not interested~

我是一名新生,女,刚被MSU研究生录取,正在找房子,希望寻找到缺少室友的老生们,能碰到有缘人一起合租。【I am a new M.S. student in MSU who just got the offer. I am looking for a place to live after Augest this year.】

我对房子的希望:【What I hope about the place】
1、离学校不要过分远即可,希望交通便利。【Not too far from MSU, convenient transportation.】
2、房子的租期预计为2016年8月-2017年8月,当然也可以更长。【Plan to live from  Augest/2016-Augest/2017,could be longer.】
3、希望是两个人合租(最多三个人),sublease或者已经有一个人现缺少一个人的,已具备少量的家具(不要是空空的房子即可)。【Better be two people sharing the apartment. Could be three. Sublease or lack of one roommate now. Better be little furnished.】
4、房租合理即可。【Reasonable rent.】

我是什么样的人:【What kind of person am I】
1、有责任心,爱干净,热情积极开朗,爱交朋友。能为别人着想,能和睦相处。【Responsible, clean, kind, outgoing and easygoing, think for others and well behaved.】
2、初级吃货,平时没事会做做甜点。【Sometimes could make desserts】

我对室友的希望:【What I hope about roommates】
1、女,不限中国人或是外国人,人品最重要。【Female. Chinese or Foreigner is OK】
2、开朗活泼但不吵闹,个人修养较好,有素质。【Outgoing and easygoing but not noisy. Well behaved.】
3、能为别人着想。【Think for others】
4、不要特别特别宅就好。【Do not like staying at home all the time.】

 *Contact info: *

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Thanks a million and I really appreciated!

 -----Mancy Zhang