



Please notethat the next issue of the European Journal of International Management is nowonline (the print edition, as usual, will be released in about 2weeks):  


European Journal of InternationalManagement (EJIM)


Volume 10 – Issue 2 – 2016

 Table of Contents

|  |
|  Title and authors

|  Standardisation vs. adaption: a conjoint experiment on the influence of psychic, cultural and geographical distance on international marketing mix decisions

 Sascha Kraus; Fabian Meier; Felix Eggers; Ricarda B. Bouncken; Felix Schuessler

 DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2016.074468

|  Putting assumptions into words: money and work beliefs and legitimacy of entrepreneurship in Russia

 Irina Petrovskaya; Sergey Zaverskiy; Elena Kiseleva

 DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2016.074470

|  Internationalisation of born globals: the role of strategic alliances

 Mário Franco; Heiko Haase

 DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2016.074471

|  Firm ownership and internationalisation: is it context that really matters?

 Antonio Majocchi; Vincenza Odorici; Manuela Presutti

 DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2016.074472

|  Attitude and its role in SME internationalisation: why do firms commit to advanced foreign market entry modes?

 Richard Game; Gerhard Apfelthaler

 DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2016.074473


Here you can access the abstracts ofarticles published in this issue.  If the hyperlink does not work, pleasetry the following: ( go to ( andproceed to the current issue.


Best wishes,

 Prof. VladVaiman, PhD

Editor-in-Chief, EJIM

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