Dear colleagues,
I warmly invite you to attend the PDW of "Doing qualitative research in China" at 2016 IACMR conference at Hangzhou, China on June, 19th. Please find the details as below and the attachment:
Doing qualitative research in China
(The 22nd PDW at 2016 IACMR Conference)
Time: 13.00-17.30, June 19th, 2016
Venue: Hangzhou, China
Qualitative research has recently attracted increasing attention from management scholars thanks to its merits for theory building and practical insights. However, the diversity of underlying philosophical positions, multiple research paradigms, nonstandard research designs, contested theorizing, and variable quality of writing, make it very difficult for scholars, especially junior scholars, to conduct rigorous qualitative research and build new theories. This PDW aims to solve these listed problems and help qualitative scholars face these challenges. It will be in three separate sessions.
Session 1: Panel discussion
The aim of Session 1 is to advance the quality, diversity and understanding of qualitative research methods in management, and provide distinct perspectives on conducting qualitative research in China.
Session 2: Round-table career path discussion
The aim of this session is to facilitate discussion on the challenges and possible solutions in doing qualitative research in China. Both international and domestic experts will share their own experiences during the round-table discussion.
This session is limited to selected participants, with selection being based on a submitted CV and personal statement.
Session 3: One to one paper discussion
We call for both theoretical and empirical papers. In order to guarantee the quality of this session, only a limited number of papers can be selected. Authors of the selected papers will have an opportunity to discuss their paper with assigned senior scholars whose expertise is in qualitative research. All the senior scholars are requested to read their assigned paper before the discussion.
Submission deadline: May 20th, 2016.
Submit to Qianwen Wan ([log in to unmask])
Invited scholars:
Tony Fang, Stockholm University
Catherine Welch, University of Sydney
Carol Hsu, National Taiwan University
Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds
Hui Tan, University of London
Tian Wei, Fudan University
Tian Wei PhD.
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
School of Management, Fudan University
Room 438, Siyuan Building, 670 Guoshun Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China
Tel: +86-21-25011125
Fax: +86-21-65643920
Email: [log in to unmask]