

抱歉打扰大家,本人男生,因室友搬走有两间卧室空出,寻找两位男性室友或者家庭带孩子的也没问题。位置在Cedar Creek Apartment,
Okemos. 租期从现在到5月底,之后可以续租。

每间每月$250,包括网络 (速度快,75 megabytes),电视,水和暖气等所有费用。


小区距离学校和购物中心都非常近,交通方便。感兴趣的请邮件联系, 谢谢。

I am finding two roommates or family to share the apartment in Cedar Creek
Apartment. It is $250 a month including all utilities, such as electricity,
heating, water, internet (fast speed, 75MB) and TV. Free furniture and
kitchen utensils.

The lease is from now to the end of May and we can renew together for next
year with discounts from the landlord. Please email me if you are
interested. Thanks.