Call for Papers

3rd WU Vienna Paper Development Workshop:
“Advancing Finance Perspectives in IB Research”

Vienna, September 1st - 2nd 2016

Submission Deadline for Extended Abstracts: April 30th 2016

Every year, the WU Vienna invites researchers to its new campus to join their efforts and creativity in developing papers at the intersection of International Business and Finance. The workshop is designed to connect young scholars to like-minded peers and to offer hands-on, informed guidance from senior faculty. In the coming year, our faculty panel includes Prof. Igor Filatotchev (Cass Business School and WU), Prof. April Knill (Florida State University), Prof. Christian Laux (WU Vienna) and Prof. Trond Randøy (Agder University).

Aim and Background of the Workshop:

IB researches increasingly call for further integration of Finance and IB research (Agmon, 2006; Bowe, Filatotchev & Marshall, 2010). Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

For further information see call attached or contact :

Jakob Müllner

Institute for Export Management, Department of Global Business and Trade

Welthandelsplatz 1 / D1. 5. OG,  A-1020 Wien

Tel.: +43-1-313 36-4374 / Fax: +43-1-313 36-90-4374 E- Mail :

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