

Join us for the 2016 Michigan Farmers Market Conference!

The Michigan Farmers Markets Association (MIFMA) is hosting the Michigan Farmers Market Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 8 and 9, 2016 at the Plant and Soil Science Building on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Registration is now open for the two-day event at

The 2016 conference is structured to meet the needs of farmers markets in Michigan and provide education and resources for the farmers and vendors who sell at them. This year’s event expects to bring together over 200 individuals including market managers, farmers, vendors, speakers and exhibitors.

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Three educational tracks are offered at the conference; a market manager boot camp track designed for beginning market managers, an advanced track for market managers who are looking for specialized information, and a farmer and vendor track designed for farmers who sell at farmers markets. Educational sessions will build upon the information attendees found helpful from last year’s conference and provide up-to-date information on timely topics related to farmers market management and direct marketing.

Members of MIFMA and partnering organizations can register for the full conference for $100 or for one day for $75. MIFMA student members receive the discounted rate of $75 for the full conference or $35 for one day. Registration for the conference will close at 8 a.m. on Monday, February 29, 2016.

For more information on other programs and MIFMA membership opportunities, visit or call 517-432-3381.

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