


寻室友合租一套house(限女生),在 Wardcliff Dr. East Lansing MI. 房子宽敞,四个卧室,两个living room,一个厨房,两个洗手间。 房内家具电器俱全,还有电视,洗衣机,烘干机等等。 租金300/month,utilities费用平摊。离超市和学校近. 步行到1号公车站。公车八分钟左右到学校。社区安全。附近有东方超市,还有很多中国餐厅(天天;金锅;珍味小厨etc)。
有意者请联系 微信lxm3902 或 adi_joy46

We are looking for a roommate for a house for NEXT YEAR starting from fall2016. The house is spacious and fully furnished, including TV, washing machine and dryer.
Close to campus and Route 1 bus stop.

It is located on Wardcliff Dr. East Lansing Mi

Rent is 300/month. utilities are shared.

Please contact  517-515-8021 (renter)