

Dear AIB’ers Colleague


Welcome to FERC 2016


We invite submissions to the 12th Annual Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC) 2016 exploring the theme of Founder Influence on Family Firms. The conference will be held from June 1st to June 4th in beautiful town of Nova Lima near Belo-Horizonte, BRAZIL.  Our host is Fundação Dom Cabral, Aloysio Faria Campus


To accommodate multiple requests, submission deadline for FERC 2016 is extended to February 15th, 2016


FERC accepts five-page ABSTRACTS for submission in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Abstracts on all family business topics are welcomed.  We do not require full papers.  We encourage you to submit your work in progress as well as completed studies.  The presentation format for FERC is posters.


We have over $20,000 in awards, exciting speakers, and career academy for doctoral students, junior and senior professors, and administrators.


Check out our website for submission guidelines, conference program, keynote speakers (Werner Baer, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, and Shaker Zahra, University of Minnesota), Brazilian family business leaders, sight-seeing tours & activities, and much more.


Submit your five-page ABSTRACTS today @


Rolling notification of acceptances will begin from February 20th, 2016. Please allow 2-3 weeks for peer reviewer process (Over 50 scholars from more than 20 countries have volunteered as reviewers). Decision letters will be emailed to corresponding authors of submissions no later than March 15th, 2016.


For FERC 2016 Careers Academy apply @


·         Academic Program Chair: Raj Mahto, University of New Mexico ([log in to unmask] )

·         Spanish and Portuguese Submissions: Claudio Muller, Universidad de Chile, Chile ([log in to unmask])

·         Career Academy Chairs: Rebecca Long ([log in to unmask] ) & Joshua Daspit ([log in to unmask]), Mississippi State University

·         Conference Chair: Maria Teresa Roscoe ([log in to unmask] ), Fundação Dom Cabral – Campus Aloysio Faria

·         Host Team at Fundação Dom Cabral: Letícia Diniz Ribas ([log in to unmask] )




Claudio G. Müller

Adjunct Professor

School of Economics and Business

University of Chile

A: Diagonal Paraguay # 257, Suite 1903. Santiago. Chile

Tel:  +56 (22) 977 2059 | Fax: +56 (22) 635 1679

W: |




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