Dear colleague
This is to remind you that the deadline for the submission of abstracts for the AIRC5 conference at Ashridge, UK is within 4 weeks.
Research presentation at the AIRC5 conference is only possible after acceptance of your
Extended Structured Abstract, which needs to be submitted by February 15th 2016.
Abstracts will be double blind reviewed and authors will be notified of acceptance by March 20, and be invited to write the full paper.
For all information see our website,
or the Call for Papers attached.
AIRC5 Focus:
"Global Disruption, Organisational Innovation"
AIRC5 is the fifth in a successful series of Ashridge international research conferences that bring to the research and discussion table top of mind
leadership and management challenges, in a multidisciplinary global setting where HR, OB, international business, policy, marketing, entrepreneurship,
innovation and strategy scholars present and debate their research in interaction with keynote speakers and practitioners.
In our last four conferences, we have seen a dynamic evolution of the topic and research foci, hitting on topics early and covering “Global Leadership,
Global Ethics”, the “Challenges to bring the sustainability agenda from strategy to implementation”,” The multigenerational organisation - from Gen Y to working
beyond 65” - and last year’s “Challenges to managing HR in knowledge intensive institutions”.
AIRC conferences are linked to Special Issues of reputable peer reviewed international journals; to date the following have been / are being guest-edited:
For the 5th conference we focus on
how to innovate, re-shape and strategically manage our sometimes stagnating, increasingly easily disrupted
organisations, including taking global and multi-disciplinary perspectives.
The complex patterns of disruption that are occurring globally have given rise to the term “VUCA environment” (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) and demand re-examination,
reinterpretation or replacement of traditional thinking, opening it up to new concepts, new solutions. They may be multidisciplinary, multicultural, and must be dynamic, creative, forward looking, tolerant and inclusive. The Call for Papers attached provides
a start.
We welcome the submission of extended structured abstracts of original full papers, both conceptual papers that combine different and novel theoretical perspectives and empirical
papers contextualizing the topics above, advanced work in progress, policy papers and research based proposals for panels on the conference theme.
We welcome papers in the areas of HRM, International Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Organisational Change management, Strategy, Technology management, Sustainability,
Ethics, IC and Talent management, Leadership.
We are looking forward to receiving your Abstracts shortly.
With kind regards,
Carla Millar
Prof. Carla C.J.M. Millar PhD
Chair AIRC5
on Global Disruption, Organisational Innovation
Fellow, Ashridge, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 1NS, UK,
0044 1442 84 1175, 0044 20 7402 4700,
Professor, International Marketing & Management, University of Twente,
NIKOS (Netherlands Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship),
IGS (Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies),
PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, 0031 53 489 5355, 0031 33 462 7343;