

The Management Group at Ozyegin University, Istanbul, invites applications for two open rank positions in the fields of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and International Business. The appointments are open to candidates at all ranks. Applications are invited from ambitious individuals who have (or show evidence of building) an established international research reputation through publications at leading journals in their respective fields, and who are willing to play a leading role in the further development of the management group at Ozyegin University. Successful candidates are expected to teach core and elective courses in our undergraduate and graduate (MBA, EMBA) programs in their respective field.

We will be conducting preliminary interviews at the Academy of Management meeting in Anaheim. Candidates interested in a preliminary interview can contact Dr. R. Isil Yavuz at

Requirements: Candidates should have their PhD or expect to complete their PhD by June 2017. More senior candidates are expected to demonstrate an extensive record of publication in leading journals and success in the classroom. More junior candidates are expected to have potential to do independent research and publish in high quality journals. Finally, candidates are expected to demonstrate a passion in teaching students at all levels.

Application: Candidates who are interested in either position should submit their CV, cover letter, samples of research, teaching evaluations (if available) and any other supporting material to Candidates should also arrange three letters of recommendation to be emailed or sent to the address below. Recruitment will continue on an ongoing basis until all positions are filled.

R. Isil Yavuz, PhD
Faculty of Business

Ozyegin University


Dr. R. Işıl Yavuz

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship & International Strategy
Faculty of Business
Özyeğin University, Istanbul 34794, Turkey
Tel: +90 (216) 564 94 37

Mobile: + 90 (532) 650 69 82

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

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