Dear colleagues,


We welcome contribution to the 6th International e-HRM Conference:

FROM Digital TO smart human resource management

Sixth International e-HRM Conference

October 27-28, 2016


Following the First Academic Workshop on Electronic Human Resource Management in the Netherlands, four more international e-HRM conferences have taken place in Marseille, Bamberg, Nottingham and New York City. Marking e-HRM conference’ tenth anniversary provides an excellent opportunity to revisit the concept of e-HRM and critically assess academic and business achievements in this field. In the past decade, several special issues of international journals have appeared and various volumes of contributed chapters have been published reporting on diverse empirical and conceptual considerations in developing our understanding of e-HRM and as contributions to optimizing the balancing act between information technologies and people management. This sixth international conference will focus on the progression from e-HRM to digital HRM. As in previous years, we will bring together international scholars and business leaders and consultants to facilitate the exchange between business and academics of the latest ideas concerning digital HRM. About specific topics, publication possibilities and practicalities, please, read the Call for Papers attached.


April 15, 2016: Deadline for extended abstracts submissions


July 20, 2016: Final paper submission for the conference


October 27-28, 2016: Sixth International e-HRM Conference


To all of you - with warm wishes for the holiday season and a happy new year,

On behalf of the organizing committee,


Tanya Bondarouk


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Prof. dr. Tanya Bondarouk

Professor HRM

University of Twente

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t.    +31 (0)53 489 36 66 / 45 12

p.   Postbox 217, 7500 AE Enschede

a.   Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, Ravelijn, Room RA 2349

Associate Editor of The International Journal of HRM





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