

Dear colleagues,

please note that the newest issue of the *Journal for East European 
Management Studies* (Vol. 20, Issue 4) is now available.

It includes the following articles:

*Sonia Ferencikova, Tatiana Hluskova*/
/Internationalization of Central and Eastern European companies -- 
theory and its implications in the Slovak IT sector

*Jacob Eisenberg, Artur Pieczonka, Martin Eisenring, Jacek Mironski*

Poland, a workforce in transition: Exploring leadership styles and 
effectiveness of Polish vs. Western expatriate managers//

*Marko M. Mihic, Sinisa M. Arsic,
Milos Z. Arsic***

Impacts of entrepreneurs' stress and family members on SMEs' business 
success in Serbian family-owned firms**

*József Poór, Ruth Alas, Sinikka Vanhala,
Péter Kollár, Agnes Slavic, Nemanja Berber,
Anna Slocinska, Kinga Kerekes, Monica
Zaharie, Sonja Ferencikova, Anton Barasic***

Idealism and relativism in ethics: The results of empirical research in 
seven CEE countries and one North European country

Abstracts (and one article) are freely accessible at

Moreover, you will have free access to some selected articles of former 
issues too.

For any further questions regarding the journal, please do not hesitate 
to contact me!

Best regards,

Thomas Steger
Editor-in-chief, University of Regensburg

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