Hi, AIB listserv, Pleas post the following call for proposals for a special issue on leadership communication: SPECIAL ISSUE ON LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION Special Issue Guest Editors: Jacqueline Mayfield, Texas A&M International University A.R. Sanchez Jr. School of Business Milton Mayfield, Texas A&M International University A.R. Sanchez Jr. School of Business The International Journal of Business Communication seeks and encourages the submission of high quality scholarly manuscripts for a special issue on Leadership Communication, scheduled for publication in January, 2017. IJBC is a respected, well established, high impact international journal that disseminates theoretical and practical knowledge from the business communication field. The journal draws contributions from multiple disciplines so as to fully explore all aspects of business communication, and accepts manuscripts from the administrative disciplines, liberal arts, and social sciences. The general consensus is that leadership communication is vital to organizations. Yet there is much divergence in its conceptualizations – which are further complicated by emergent research streams, due in part to globalization, digitalization, shared leadership, workforce diversity, and demands for greater leadership integrity. Case in point, some scholars employ hierarchical leadership communication models, while others utilize discursive processes wherein leadership is co-created. Equally important, a wide array of methodological strategies have been utilized – embracing a spectrum of quantitative to qualitative approaches – to investigate leadership communication. As for emergent research streams, some of the existing leadership communication research is under scrutiny, not having always incorporated the factors of globalization, demographic diversity, employee empowerment, and information technology into its models. All of the preceding leadership communication topics need research initiatives and progress. Moreover, the current leadership communication literature reveals a dearth of inquiry which clarifies both leadership communication processes and their rapports with key organizational outcomes, including firm, employee, customer, societal, and other stakeholder welfare. For all of these reasons, this special issue seeks manuscripts that either reflect these diverse perspectives and/or investigate developing trends in leadership communication. All quality manuscripts that address leadership communication in these contexts are welcomed for submission. Topic categories include but are not limited to: Team Leadership Communication Shared Leadership Communication Strategic Leadership Communication Leadership Communication Channels The Context of Leadership Communication Cross-Cultural Leadership Communication Non-Traditional Leadership Communication Leadership Communication and Social Issues Co-Creation of Leadership Through Discourse Methodological Issues in Leadership Communication Research This special issue on leadership communication is being co-edited by Professor Jacqueline Mayfield, PhD, A.R. Sanchez Jr., School of Business, Texas A&M International University, Laredo, TX and Professor Milton Mayfield, PhD, A.R. Sanchez Jr., School of Business, Texas A&M International University, Laredo, TX. The co-editors will gladly discuss preliminary paper ideas, and both can be contacted at [log in to unmask] All manuscripts will be reviewed following IJBC´s normal double-blind review process. Submissions are open to everyone. For your submission, please send an initial proposal consisting of approximately a fifteen hundred (1,500) word abstract. This proposal should include your research question, method (quantitative and qualitative), findings, and conclusions. Theory development and simulation proposals will also be considered provided there is a strong fit with the issue´s theme and the work is of especially high quality. Your proposal should be submitted through e-mail (to [log in to unmask]) no later than January 31, 2016. Contributors will be informed of decisions by March 2016. All accepted proposals must be completed and submitted as full papers by May 15, 2016. Best, Robyn Robyn Walker, Ph.D, Communication USC Marshall Center for Management Communication Editor, International Journal of Business Communication Only the person who is willing to give up his or her monopoly on truth can ever profit from the truths others hold. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.