

Hello! I am looking for a roommate(s) starting in Feb 2016 at DOWNTOWN CHICAGO.
I am graduating in December 2015, and will be moving to Chicago for job. I am looking for a roommate(s) that can share an apartment with me next year (we can find an apartment later next month), OR roommate(s) that current owns an apartment in Chicago but has one room available.
- My workplace will be at Willis Tower, look for a place that's within 30 minutes commute (no car)- Rent less than $1200/month- Rent period will be one year, may extend
** I cook almost every night ** CLEAN** Easy to get along ** PERFECT ROOMMATE*Please email: [log in to unmask] if interested!!!!

寻找芝加哥室友!! 男女皆可。我将于今年冬天毕业,急需一位/多位室友一起寻找芝加哥downtown容身之处 或 有空房者请务必邀请我当室友!计划2016年2月入住。
-上班于willis tower, 交通方便:希望能在30分钟内乘大众交通到达公司- 月租低于1200刀- 租期暂时为一年,租满可能续租
*本人几乎每晚煮饭烧菜*爱干净会打扫*芝加哥美好生活从找对好室友开始*快来联系我吧!!!请发送邮件至: [log in to unmask]