

Hello! If anyone is looking for OR knows anyone looking for a place for spring semester (or even starting from Dec 18 if need be!)I got a 2B2B room at Ashton Lake Apartment subleased from Jan. It is a big single room which locates next to lake lansing Meijer. Check out the following details:1. Rental fee is $400/month. 2. Full Furnished apartment including bed, cookware, desk, tv, couch etc..)3. 8 min drive (20 min by bus) to MSU main campus plus free parking lot. 4. 5min walk to the bus stop where you can take route 24,25 or 26.5. Private bathroom, shared kitchen and living room6. spacious living space (1,000 sq feet) 7. 3 min walk to Meijer and Kroger (opens 24 hours)8. 2 bus stops to East Wood (a big shopping mall with a cinema) 9. House food and awesome housemates
The rental period will be at least 3 months and you can renew the contract after that.Let me know if you are interested! Thanks
寻找室友,男女皆可,小区名叫Ashton Lake Apartment,位置在lake lansing Meijer隔壁,是一个两室两卫的公寓,12月18即可入住。有如下优点:1. 月租400刀2.拎包入住,家具齐全(包括厨具,床,书桌,电视,沙发)3. 交通方便,开车8分钟至MSU校园,公交20分钟,提供免费停车位(带遮雨棚)4. 步行5分钟至公交车站,可以搭乘24、25、26路公车5. 步行3分钟至meijer和Kroger(24小时超市)6. 单独卫浴,共用厨房和客厅7. 宽敞的生活空间 (1000平方英尺)8. 公车两站可至East Wood (带电影院的大型购物中心)9. 我们这里有各种食物和美好的室友hahaha