

Advanced Call for Conference Proposals and Abstracts
Prague 2016

The Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (IEECA) ( and the University of Economics, Prague (  are pleased to announce an international conference to be held in the Czech capital, Prague on June 2-3, 2016.  The theme of the conference: The Challenges of Modern Management in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The conference comprises four tracks:
*             Project Management
*             Management Practice and Theory
*             Process Excellence Management
*             Globalisation, Government, and Management.

Abstracts or proposals should be a minimum of 1000 words that sufficiently describe the topic and include: purpose; design/methodology/approach; findings; research limitations/implications; practical implications; originality/value; keywords and manuscript type. Proposal / Abstract submissions accepted no later than December 1, 2015.

Once received, the proposal will then be distributed to the chairperson identified below. In addition, suggested themes are included associated with each individual track:


Project Management
(Academic / Professional)
Dr. Helena Hrůzová

Management Practice and Theory
(Academic / Professional)
Dr. Standa Háša

Process Excellence Management
(Academic / Professional)
Dr. Felipe Martínez

Globalisation, Government, and Management
Dr. Radek Čajka


PM as Corporate Culture

Current trends in management

Lean management

Government intervention

Project Governance

Management models / organisations

Industries 4,0

Government and globalisation

International and Cross-Cultural PM

Corporate governance

Big data

TQM and public administration

Industry specific PM

Teaching management

ISO 9001 2015

Procurement management

Stakeholder Management

Building management culture

Quality management systems

Globalisation trends

Risk Management

Responsible management



EVM practical applications

Role modelling

Facility management

Managing globalisation

Time development

Gender and management

Supply chain management

Governance and ethics

Country-specific PM methodologies

Country-specific trends


Transitional economies

Behavioural competencies

Organisational trauma

Occupational safety

Management practice in government

Teaching PM at the university level

Group process facilitation

Internet and Things

Legal dimensions

Questions regarding the above  as well as proposals/abstracts should be addressed to Dr. Richard Brunet-Thornton ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Odborný asistent CSc. / Ph.D. (Assistant Professor)
Katedra management (Department of Management)
RB 457
[cid:[log in to unmask]]
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
University of Economics, Prague
École des Hautes Études commerciales de Prague
náměstí Winstona Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3 - Žižkov  Česká republika - Czech Republic

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