Guest Editors: Timothy M. Devinney, Bradley L. Kirkman,
Dan V. Caprar and Paula Caligiuri
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Understanding cultural differences has been one of the most enduring challenges for global business professionals and scholars of international business. The
papers in this
JIBS Special Issue delve into how we conceptualize and measure culture, specifically breaking away from traditional approaches with new and promising ideas. We hope this Special Issue will raise awareness about the challenges and open the dialogue
as we collectively rethink the study of culture in international business and management.
The following Editors’ selection from the issue is now also available free-to-read through December 31, 2015:
Values, schemas, and
norms in the culture–behavior nexus: A situated dynamics framework
Kwok Leung and Michael W. Morris
We hope you will share with colleagues who may be interested!
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