

*Updated Journal of Global Business and Technology (JGBAT) Call for
PapersSpecial Issue on “Emerging Markets Business Growth-A Focus on the
Middle East and Beyond”*

*Deadline: March 20th, 2016*

*Tentative Publication Date:* Fall 2016

*Nature of the Special Issue*

The recent IMF update indicates that Middle East regional economies
(despite a slump in oil prices, raging regional conflicts and lingering
uncertainty of the post-Arab Spring transitions) are expected to show a
modest economic recovery. Oil exporting economies in the region are
expected to use accumulated financial buffers and available financing to
cushion some of the impact on growth while gradually slowing their fiscal
spending and rebuild buffers for dealing with price-volatility. Oil
importing economies in the region are likely to benefit by the declining
oil prices, supported by a gradual recovery in the Euro-area, improved
domestic confidence and more accommodating fiscal and monetary policies.

For ensuring sustained growth in the regional economies, a new model is
urgently needed for businesses where economic growth and job creation are
driven by a diversified private sector. With the combination of increasing
globalization and widespread developments in information communication and
technology, opportunities for business growth and development abound for
the businesses who are flexible enough to create, innovate, adapt and/or
engage in change management. Business leaders look for methods and tools
that can help them sustain competitiveness; many are able to reinvent
themselves. Research studies have shown that leaders understand that
today’s organizations whether traditional or decentralized, bureaucratic or
boundary-less are networks much more than a structure to be quantitatively
designed, measured, and controlled. The Middle East is indeed on the fast
track for the sustained business growth in the coming decades.

*About the Journal*

The journal is indexed in ProQuest Databases including the International
Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), EBSCO, the Library of Congress,
and Cabell's Directories providing authors with a wide access to readers
thereby enhancing their citation index. JGBAT has an acceptance rate of
about 11% with an impact factor of 2.365 and is currently in the process of
being indexed in Thomson Reuters (Social Sciences Citation Index & Web of
Science) as well as SCOPUS. The international standard serial number (ISSN)
is 1553-5495 and please see for more

*Submission Process*

All submissions will go through our double-blind peer review process. *Submit
manuscripts with the Subject Line “JGBAT Special Issue” to Special Issue
Editor Prof. Ananth Rao at [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> before March 20th,
2016.* For more information, please contact one of the Special Issue

*Special Issue Editors:*

   - *N.J. Delener* (GBATA, U.S.A., [log in to unmask])
   - *Dana Lascu *(University of Richmond, U.S.A., [log in to unmask])
   - *Ananth Rao* (University of Dubai, U.A.E., [log in to unmask])

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