FERC 2016

The 12th Annual Family Enterprise Research Conference

Fundação Dom Cabral, Aloysio Faria Campus

Nova Lima (MG) – Brazil

June 1-4, 2016


FERC is dedicated to developing a community of scholars interested in conducting research to further our understanding of family firms and creating usable knowledge in this field.


The FERC 2016 Committee invites paper submissions on the theme “Founder Influence on Family Firms” and welcomes other research that can help us understand how family businesses work, the challenges they face, and the advantages and uniqueness that they bring to the economy


Keynote Speakers:

Werner Baer, University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign

Shaker Zahra, University of Minnesota


AWARDS (Over $15,000 in prize money)

Some of the awards to be given are:

• Best Paper Awards ($4,500) sponsored by MCS Family Wealth Advisors

• GVSU (Grand Valley State University) Family Owned Business Institute Resident


Scholars Program

• Best Spanish Paper Award


Journal Special Issues:

Journal of Business Research - Family Firm Heterogeneity.
   Due Date - August 1st, 2016.
Journal of Small Business Strategies – Strategy in Small Family Firms. 

   Due Date – September 30th, 2016.


Career Academy:

Program is designed to address dilemmas and questions at all levels of an academic’s life - from a doctoral student to a chaired professor, editor, or senior administrator.

Other Conference Highlights:

-              STEP Meetings

-              Conference Presentations

-              Meet Journal Editors

-              Meet Brazilian family business leaders


Key Dates:

-              Submission Deadline: January 31st, 2016

-              Career Academy Application Deadline:  February 15th, 2016

-              Notification for Acceptance:  March 15th, 2016

-              Early bird Registration: April 30th, 2016


Find out more at the conference website



Or contact the Organizing Team:

Academic Program Chair:
Raj Mahto, University of New Mexico (
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Spanish/Portuguese Submissions:
Claudio Muller, Universidad de Chile, Chile (
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Career Academy Chairs: 
Rebecca Long (
[log in to unmask] ) & Joshua Daspit ([log in to unmask] ), Mississippi State University


Conference Chair:

Maria Teresa Roscoe, Fundação Dom Cabral – Campus Aloysio Faria

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Host Team at Fundação Dom Cabral:  Letícia Diniz Ribas

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