

Dear Colleagues,


Please excuse cross postings.


We are conducting a meta-analysis on family firm and internationalization. We are particularly searching for dissertations or master theses exploring this topic.


We would like to include in our study those works that provide a correlation matrix and/or regression analyses that include family firm (e.g., family control, family ownership, family management, family CEO, family board, etc.) and internationalization variables (e.g., number of foreign subsidiaries, number of countries in which a firm establishes subsidiaries, exporting, alliance/joint ventures, FDI, foreign sales, foreign assets, foreign employees, etc.).


Please email these works to [log in to unmask]


Any question you may have please don't hesitate to contact me.


We appreciate your help.


Thank you.

Patricio Duran, PhD

Assistant Professor
Business School
Adolfo Ibáñez University



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