

Dear Colleagues

We would like to invite you to submit a structured abstract for the 11th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD 2016) on the theme: "Towards a New Architecture of Knowledge: Big Data, Culture and Creativity dots". The Forum will take place in Dresden (Germany) on 15-17 June 2016. We are co-chairing a track at the conference. Attached here are further details of the conference and the call for paper that we are co-chairing. The track is entitled Managing knowledge integration and disruptive change in emerging markets.

A core driver for rethinking and innovating knowledge work is the increasing interdependence of big data, culture, and creativity. Ubiquitous information and communication technologies produce an ever-expanding amount of data, whose value is hard to tap with principles of conventional data processing - but how to design new methods of analysis? Organizational and community culture is a decisive frame for unprejudiced and venturesome intra- and entrepreneurship, which may result in disruptive solutions - but how to display and nurture the volatile facets of culture? Finally, creativity is one of the remaining human faculties that cannot be replaced by computers by now - but how to reach higher levels of creativity and discover new application fields?

All accepted and registered papers will be included in the Forum Proceedings with ISBN and ISSN number. The proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in the Thomson Reuters CPCI database (previous proceedings already indexed). Following the Conference, authors of the selected high quality papers will be invited to submit their papers for publication in Special Issues and regular issues of high-impact international academic journals, such as:

> Measuring Business Excellence
> International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
> Journal of Knowledge Management
> Journal of Intellectual Capital
> Knowledge Management Research and Practice
> International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital
> Expert System with Applications
> VINE - The journal of information and knowledge management systems
> International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development
> Arts and Market
> Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research

Please see the full list of journals and research outlets on our publication plan<> section.

Conference site<>

Ashish Malik, Rebecca Mitchell and Brendan Boyle

Dr Ashish Malik
Newcastle Business School, Central Coast Campus, NSW, 2258
University of Newcastle, Australia.
UON | a global leader in innovation | top 3% of universities worldwide | top 50 universities under 50


Series Co-editor<>
Co-author of the Palgrave Macmillan research monograph 'Human Capital in the Indian IT / BPO Industry' and Co-Series Editor for 'Palgrave Studies in Global Human Capital Management'
Co-editor of Business Models and People Management in the Indian IT Industry: From People to Profits
Co-editor of the Springer monograph 'Investigating Cultural Aspects in Indian Organizations: Empirical Evidence' (India Studies in Business and Economics)

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