

Dear administrator of the AIB mailing list,

As a member of the AIB community, I would like to circulate the following conference call among the AIB community over:

Assistant professor Matevz Raskovic, PhD
Academic unit for International Economics and Business
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Slovenia
* 2010-2011Visiting graduate fellow at Harvard University (FAS Sociology), USA
* 2012-2013 Visiting scholar at Shanghai University of International Business & Economics, China
* 2013-2014 Visiting scholar at Kyungpook National University, South Korea
* 2015 Visiting lecturer at Lancaster University Management School, UK


Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference

ABSRC 2016 - Venice 

About the Conference: ABSRC is an important international gathering of business and business-related sciences scholars and educators.

In addition to scientific papers, the focus is on various best practices and solutions, which are important for business-related policies and activities at the individual, organizational, group, network, local, regional, national, international, and global level.

ABSRC is a global conference. Researchers and practitioners from 50 different countries participated at the past ABSRCs.

ABSRC 2016 Venice
Conference Dates and Place: Thursday - Friday, March 17-18, 2016; Venice, Italy
Submission Deadline for Submissions of Papers: January 15, 2016
Feedback from the Scientific Board (for Paper submissions): February 4, 2016
Submission Deadline for Submissions of Titles of Presentations of Best Practices: January 15, 2016
Conference Registration Deadline: February 25, 2016
Business and business-related issues are covered including the following topic groups:

Business strategy Management education, training and development
Change management and organizational development  Management consulting
Conflict management Managerial and organizational cognition and psychology
Critical management Marketing and consumer behavior
Economic growth Microeconomics
Entrepreneurship Natural sciences and business
Gender, diversity and social issues Organizational behavior
Human resource management and career development Organizational information and communication systems
Humanities and arts and business Organizations and financing
Industry, area or region specific studies Production and operations management
Industrial organization Research methods
International business Social sciences and business
Language in organizations Technology and innovation management
Law and business Macroeconomics
Prof. Dr. Ajda Fošner, Conference Chair ABSRC

Authors are welcome to submit research papers and titles of presentations of best practices to:

ABSRC - organized by GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship 
GEA College Conference Administrator: tel. +386 1 5881 327.

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