

Dear Sir/Madam, 

It is my pleasure to share with you the latest issue of UNCTAD's Global 
Investment Trend Monitor which focuses on recent trends in cross-border 
merger and acquisitions. 

The key message: Recovery in cross-border mergers and acquisitions
Cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) activity increased significantly 
in the first half of 2015, but may be slowing down in the second half of 
the year. The value of cross-border M&A purchases,  which is an indicator 
of outward FDI flows, rose to US$441 billion, a 136% increase over the 
same period of 2014. 
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) from developed countries were the 
principal drivers of the global cross-border M&A trend. European MNEs, 
after a number of years of high divestment levels, registered a sharp rise 
in the value of acquisitions in 2015. 
Cross-border M&As carried out by MNEs from North America continued to grow 
strongly (up more than 100%). Acquisitions by Canadian MNEs reached their 
highest half-year level. Tax inversions accounted for half of outbound 
deals by value from the United States, although they represented a small 
share (10%) of global cross-border M&A purchases.
After emerging as the largest investing region in the world for the first 
time in 2014, cross-border M&As by firms from developing Asia registered a 
decline this year (-27%). Activity by MNEs from Latin America and the 
Caribbean, as well as from Africa also decreased, reflecting the 
consequences of depreciating domestic currencies and falling commodity 
The growth of cross-border M&A purchases is projected to slow in the 
second half of 2015, but the full year value will be well above that of 
2014, based on the first ten months of the year. While economic, 
financial, and structural trends support this forecast, potential downside 
factors could limit the scale and length of this current wave of 
cross-border M&As going forward.

For the latest issue of the Global Investment Trends Monitor and the 
UNCTAD Investment Policy Monitor, please click here. For the latest World 
Investment Report, please click here. 

Best regards,

James Zhan 
Director, Investment and Enterprise 
Team leader, World Investment Report
Palais des Nations, Geneva 
Tel:+41229175797 (World Investment Reports) 

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