

For your undergraduates:

From: Dina L Newman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: REU program at RIT - applications open!
Date: October 14, 2015 10:25:10 AM EDT
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]">
Dear SABER Colleagues,
We are excited to announce that applications for our DBER REU program at the Rochester Institute of Technology are now being accepted! 
Please pass along this opportunity to your students as we have a very early application deadline (Nov. 30th) due to the unique January Jump-start portion of our program (explained below).
The theme of our REU is model-based reasoning in STEM education, and includes 8 mentors, 3 of whom specialize in biology education research.  Students will be selected by mid-December to participate in a 3-week part-time virtual program in January, where they will earn $500, followed by a 9-week in-person program over the summer, where they will earn another $4500. During January Jump-start, students meet their mentors and each other on Skype, read DBER-themed papers with an online collaboration tool, begin to develop their research projects, and complete ethics and human subjects training.  When they come to RIT in June, they are ready to jump into their projects, and they feel less apprehensive because the people and projects are already somewhat familiar.  During the summer, they participate in their mentored research projects, a weekly DBER methods workshop, a professional development series, and numerous social activities.  The experience culminates with the campus-wide RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium, where all participants will have the opportunity to present their work. 
Please see our website ( for more information and application (
Thank you!
Kate Wright and Dina Newman
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