All. … Sorry for the cross postings and please feel free to pass this call onto others.
The Leeds University Business School is hiring a number of positions in International Business, International Management and Global Innovation over the next year. This represents a significant investment in a strong and growing group. The last FT ranking of IB MSc programs ranked our program #1 in the UK and #3 in the world. The group, founded originally by Peter Buckley, includes Timothy Devinney (University Leadership Chair), Mario Kauforous (Division Chair), Jeremy Clegg and Annie Wei as Professors, Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Hinrich Voss and Elko Klijn as Associate Professors and 15 others in Lecturer and Post Doctoral and Fellows positions.
If you are interested in joining this group information is given below as to the formal process for the various positions. However, you may also contact us directly should you want more information. We are quite eclectic in the orientation of these positions hence individuals working on topics ranging from trade theory to cultural anthropology to economic history or traditional areas of IB and IM all fit within our strategy going forward. The key is that those applying must have a record of, or orientation toward, publication and scholarship that is target at the leading edge of the field.
The main contact is (please do not respond to the email from the list server otherwise you will be spamming this to people who don't really need to know): Mario Kafouros ([log in to unmask])
Timothy M. Devinney
University Leadership Chair and Professor of International Business, Pro Dean of Research & Innovation