Emerging Logistics and Supply Chain Management Issues
in Base-of-Pyramid (BOP) Markets
Over the last decade the significance of emerging economies in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin-/ South America in global logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) has been increasing. Using these regions as a context, research attention is beginning to be devoted to a market commonly known as the “Base of the Pyramid” or BOP. The BOP includes the majority of the world’s population, predominately residing in the least developed countries, who make up the bottom of the world’s economic pyramid. Involving the BOP as a pool of potential customers requires vigorous private and public partnerships that are willing to assume shared responsibility and implement sustainability practices beyond narrowly defined economic/productivity-based goals. It is therefore time for LSCM researchers to consider emerging issues related to BOP markets.
The objective of this STF is to raise awareness of the BOP market, and to encourage ground-breaking research in this domain. While current research is scarce in this area, we believe in the great potential of this domain. Desired topics include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Impact of trade agreements on LSCM strategic practices involving BOP markets.
2. Conceptual frameworks that examine complexity related to sustainable LSCM involving BOP customers.
3. Empirical examinations of the role of LSCM in achieving competitive advantage for BOP markets.
4. Theories and models that integrate LSCM principles (e.g. quality management, outsourcing, innovation, supplier development) within the BOP context.
6. Interdisciplinary analyses of techno-culture interactions in LSCM for BOP entities.
7. Critical roles of global LSCM for building sustainable environments for BOP entities.
8. Case studies and theoretical frameworks in LSCM related to building products and services involving BOP markets.
All topically appropriate papers will go through JBL’s double-blind review process. Submission will be accepted between March 1 and March 31, 2016. You can learn more by e-mailing one of the guest editors at [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], or [log in to unmask]. Please submit your paper via Manuscript Central. Note that it is a special topic forum submission.
G. Tomas M. Hult, Michigan State University
Paul Hong, University of Toledo
Tobias Schoenherr, Michigan State University