Dear AIB Colleagues,


We would like to invite you to submit a proposal for consideration to the upcoming Handbook of Leadership in Transforming Asia. It would be greatly appreciated if you could also circulate this Call for Chapters (please see attached) to your colleagues who might be interested.


Best Regards,


Nuttawuth & Adela

Call for Chapters



The Palgrave Handbook of Leadership in Transforming Asia


Palgrave Macmillan, UK



Dr Nuttawuth Muenjohn and Professor Adela McMurray

School of Management, RMIT University, Australia


The Handbook

The media consistently reports Asia as a rapidly growing region attracting immense interest from the world. Under one cover, the ‘Handbook of Leadership in Transforming Asia’ provides insights into topics not published in other books. The content is drawn from a global offering of the latest research into areas of transformations addressing leadership, followers and organizations in the Asian context.


The handbook creates a comprehensive overview and evaluation of the variety of the leadership issues that affect the relationship between leaders and their followers, from the point of view of leaders themselves, their followers and organizations. The handbook offers chapters that are based on empirical studies with evidence-based findings that can be used as case studies for academics and researchers. The book will assist researchers to understand the complexity of leadership research and practices in transformational economies such as Asia. In addition the content of the book will assist international researchers and practitioners to understand the Asian cultural impact of leadership practices.

It is expected that the handbook will make significant contributions to the theory and practice of leadership by enhancing our understanding of leadership effectiveness and its implications within the Asian environment. The chapters will cover leadership issues across a wide range of contexts and leader perspectives.  Examples include leadership in business, political and religious contexts (e.g. spiritual leaders) in Asia. In this way, the handbook will facilitate readers understanding of the diversity and complexity of leadership in various Asian contexts.  The handbook will consist of 30 chapters (1,000 pages) with approximately 20-25 pages/chapter.

Recommended Topics

Chapters with qualitative or quantitative research or case studies dealing with the following topics are encouraged (but are not limited to the following topics):


PART I: Asian Leadership Experiences

Illustrating the relationship between leadership, followership and organizations in Asia


PART II: Contemporary Leadership Theories and Principles in Asia

Illustrating the way in which leadership theories and principles has transformed and evolved over the years.


PART III: Leadership and Innovation in Asian Businesses

Emphasizing on innovative behavior and how it transforms leaders, followers and organizations.


PART IV: Dark side of Leadership

Examining how ethics and morality transform into manifestations of negativity in leadership.


PART V: Boundary Spanning Leadership Challenges in Asia

Impact of leadership on transformational behavior in multiple organizational contexts.


PART VI: Shared Leadership Practices in Asia

A team-based approach to leadership


PART VII: Leadership and Diversity

Leadership and diversity in transformational workforces in today’s workplaces  (including women, gay/trans-gender leadership, multicultural and aging workforces).


PART VIII: Leadership and Transformational Organizational Change

Strategic organizational change and revitalization in transforming Asia


PART IX: Global leadership practices from Asia

High impact transformational leadership reach and impact across the world.


PART X: Leadership: East meets West

Comparative studies across Western and Eastern cultures


Important Dates

·       Submission of extended proposal (1,500 words approx) by 30th November, 2015

·       Notification of accepted book chapter proposal by 30th December, 2015

·       Receipt of full book chapter submission (5,000): 31st March, 2016

·       Chapter authors receive reviews with feedback: 30th May, 2016

·       Final revised manuscript for publication due: June 30, 2016

·       Publication schedule for the Handbook is: 2017


Submission Instructions

The chapter proposal should be written in Times Roman 12 point font and follow the structure below.



1. Country and context of research (50 words)

2. Background and significance: (200 words)

3. Brief literature review: (200 words)

4. Methodology:  (250 words)

5. Findings: (450 words)

6. Discussion and Implications: (300 words)

7. Limitations and future research (50 words)

8. Keywords: (three key words maximum)

9. Theme (please select from the list of ten topics above):

Primary theme: ……………………………….

Secondary theme (if applicable): ………………………………

10. Author/s brief biography (including qualifications, current institutional affiliation, and a listing of any related publications).  Contact information (e.g. email, Skype, mobile and work phone numbers) so we may contact you. All submissions will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.


Inquiries and submissions

Any inquires and submissions can be forwarded to the editors:


Dr. Nuttawuth Muenjohn

School of Management

RMIT University, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

e-mail: [log in to unmask]


Professor Adela McMurray

School of Management

RMIT University, Vic, Australia

e-mail: [log in to unmask]




Dr. Nuttawuth Muenjohn

Senior Lecturer in Leadership Studies
School of Management
College of Business
RMIT University
Building 80, Level 9, Office 23
Swanston Academic Building (SAB)
445 Swanston Street 
Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Ph: +61 3 9925-5109
Fax: +61 3 9925-5960

E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Personal Webpage:;ID=ftq81cc538de1
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