AIB-LAT 2016 Annual Meeting 
São Paulo, Brazil 
February 18  2016
AIB-LAT Doctoral Student Consortium
February 18 2016
On 18 February 2016, the Academy of International Business, Latin America Chapter will host a Doctoral Student Consortium for advanced doctoral students interested in Latin American affairs who wish to develop and expand their research skills, enhance their particular research agenda, and network with like-minded students and professionals in their field of study. The Consortium will facilitate constructive and supportive discussion between and among doctoral students and faculty members on a wide array of topics including but not limited to: conducting research in the international business field, writing and completing successful dissertations, and transitioning into a professional or academic career. The Consortium will also provide feedback and commentary to those scholars whose dissertations are still in progress.
The Consortium committee is seeking candidates who are Ph.D. students in international business (or a closely related field) who have completed their coursework requirements and entered the dissertation construction stage with a clear research task. While candidates in the dissertation phase of their Ph.D. programs are preferred, all candidates will be considered. In order to stimulate the exchange of ideas and provide the greatest level of commentary and guidance to students, the committee will restrict the number of participants. Candidates will be selected based on the following criteria: research feasibility and potential contribution to the discipline, geographic diversity, and strength of proposal.
The 2016 Doctoral Student Consortium faculty panel will feature a diverse group of distinguished and rising international business scholars who together boast a voluminous record of publications. The panel’s members have received numerous research awards, supervised doctoral students, and worked as editors or are members of editorial boards for top academic journals. (Note: addendums and changes are possible).
Preliminary Panel
Paulo Arvate, FGV, Brazil
Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, FGV, Brazil
Jorge Carneiro, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Luciano Ciravegna, University of London, U​K​
Sumit Kundu, Florida International University, USA
Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD, France
Mario Ogasavara, ESPM, Brazil
Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University, USA
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez Perez, EAFIT University, Colombia
Wlamir Xavier, Eastern New Mexico University, USA
Submission Requirements
Interested students should submit an application containing:
1.       a one-page nomination letter from their thesis advisor
2.       a one-page CV, and
3.       a one-page description of their dissertation.
The dissertation description must provide information about (a) the research question, (b) relevant literature, (c) methodology, (d) data, and (e) anticipated findings and implications. Priority will be given to more senior students with a clear dissertation topic defined.
The deadline for applications is November 21, 2015. Please submit all materials in a single PDF file. Send the complete application to [log in to unmask] with the message header “AIB-LAT 2016 Doctoral Consortium Application”. Specific questions about the consortium or application process can also be sent to [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], or [log in to unmask].


Prof. Wlamir Gonçalves Xavier 

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