

Hello, I have the following items for sale:

1. Bike lock(自行车锁): $8
2. Table lamp(桌面台灯): $5
3. Wall decoration(墙饰): $3
4. Blender(搅拌机): $15
5. Rice cooker(电饭锅): $10
6. Tennis racquet(网球拍): $8
7. Bobalat tennis racquet(百宝力网球拍): $40 with 2 cans of ball, tennis string and wristband for free
8. Candle & stand(蜡烛&烛台): $2
9. Brand new coffee maker(全新咖啡机): $35 with coffee & tea for free
10. Board & pins(图板和图钉): $3
11. Brand new cloth(全新连体服:恐龙&史迪奇): $8 for each
12. Piano(钢琴)

Pictures are here:

I live in Trappers Cove. Pick up only. If you are interested, please text 517-488-8002. Thank you.