** *AN INTRODUCTION TO META-ANALYSIS (METHODOLOGY) WORKSHOP* *Alan Mackelprang, Georgia Southern University* *Saturday, November 14, 2015* *(2015 AIB-SE Preliminary Program will be available online on October 1)* Theory building efforts are naturally informed by prior research efforts. However, rarely are the findings of extant research wholly consistent and intuitively integrative. There is no perfect study. When measures are used in a study, measurement error is present. Typically sample sizes are not large enough and therefore sampling error is also typically found in studies. The presence of measurement and sampling errors among other artifacts, inherently distort the examined relationships. As such, no single study can provide an optimal foundation to make a judgement about a topic’s cumulative knowledge. Meta-analytic techniques have gained significant popularity in recent years as a means to facilitate the integration of research findings across studies and thereby aid the theory development process. Meta-analysis provides a systematic methodology that overcomes many of the shortcomings of individual studies through correcting for artifacts such as measurement and sampling error, which are commonly the source of seemingly contradictory results across individual studies. This workshop will introduce the basic principles of meta-analysis methodology including: the benefits and challenges of integrating findings across studies, over-coming the “apples vs oranges” problem, and what types of research questions can be evaluated with a meta-analysis. Based on my experience in publishing meta-analyses, I will also provide my “lessons learned” regarding both conducting a meta-analysis as well as getting a meta-analysis through the review process. *Alan Mackelprang* is an Associate Professor of Operations Management at Georgia Southern University and earned his PhD from the University of South Carolina. He was awarded the Elwood S. Buffa Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Decision Sciences Institute. His research primarily focuses on supply chain contagion as well as firm operational risk factors. He has published in the Journal of Operations Management, the Journal of Business Logistics and the International Journal of Production Economics. He currently serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Operations Management and the Journal of Supply Chain Management. *FOR SUBMISSION TO DOCTORAL OR NEW FACULTY CONSORTIUMS (Deadline – September 30, 2015):* 1. Select the *Manuscript Submission Form *from* AIB Online Submission System <http://meetings.aib.msu.edu/us-se/2015/>.* 2. Then choose either:* New Faculty / **Doctoral Student Consortium *track. 3. Upload your application materials and you’re DONE. Any questions pertaining to the call or submissions can be directed to Susan Gupta <[log in to unmask]>, 2015 Program Chair. *2015 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION* The conference registration system <http://www.aibse.org/2015-annual-conference/2015-conference-registration/> is open. Savannah Marriott Riverfront <http://www.marriott.com/meeting-event-hotels/group-corporate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=AIB-SE%5eSAVRF%60AIBAIBA%60169.00%60USD%60true%6011/11/15%6011/15/15%6010/11/15&app=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes> is offering AIBSE participants a special group rate for 169.00 USD per night available here <http://www.marriott.com/meeting-event-hotels/group-corporate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=AIB-SE%5ESAVRF%60AIBAIBA%60169.00%60USD%60true%6011/11/15%6011/15/15%6010/11/15&app=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes>. Any questions or queries related to conference registration and/or hotel booking can be directed to Anshu Arora <[log in to unmask]>, Conference Chair. We look forward to welcoming you in Savannah! Best regards, *Anshu Arora and Jerry Burke* 2015 Conference Co-Chairs, AIB-SE ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.