Dear IB/IM Teachers: If you're teaching IB/IM and want to add an experiential component to your course, X-Culture is a good option for you. X-Culture is a partnership of IB professors from around the world. Over 3,500 MBA/EMBA from 40 on 6 continents participate in X-Culture each semester (106 universities already approved for this semester). The students are put in Global Virtual Teams of about 7 (each from a different country) and the teams work for a semester on real-life IB challenges presented by real-life companies. The best students are then invited to X-Culture Symposium (last few hosted by Mercedes-Benz, Home Depot, Louis Vuitton). Here is how it works: Here is why you as a professor want to add it to your course: X-Culture is also an excellent research platform. We collect longitudinal multi-source multi-level data on GVTs (over 2,000 variables total), so if you’re interested in research on groups, we have the biggest dataset in the world. More about X-Culture: BizEd: AIB Insights: But does it work? Evidence in AMLE: The application process is competitive. *Divisions: *Undergraduate, MBA and other Master’s, EMBA *Dates: *Oct 4 - Nov 28 *APPLY HERE*: ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.