Dear colleagues,

The latest issue (Vol. 22, Issue 4) of Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (to be retitled in 2016 as Cross Cultural & Strategic Management) is available in Earlycite.

This issue contains the second in a series of Distinguished Scholar’s Essays that features invited papers by well-known scholars on important global management issues and/or identify emerging topics of research interest. In this issue, Gert Jan Hofstede asks the question of ‘what is culture?’ and explores the various causes of culture, with a particular focus on their implications for cross-cultural research.   


Table of contents: Volume 22, Issue 4

Toward experimental international business: unraveling fundamental causal linkages\

Arjen van Witteloostuijn
Abstract | PDF
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-06-2015-0075


Culture’s causes: the next challenge
Gert Jan Hofstede
Abstract | PDF
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-03-2015-0040


Effects of learning orientation and team embeddedness on mobility: a multi-group comparison
Jung-Nung Chang, Chia-Yi Cheng
Abstract | PDF
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-06-2013-0088


Non-financial performance measures and the BSC of multinational companies with multi-cultural environment: an empirical investigation
Wagdy M. Abdallah, Majbour Alnamri
Abstract | PDF
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-12-2013-0195


Relationship of budget participation conflict and job performance of South Korean managers
Maria A. Leach-López , William W. Stammerjohan , Eunsuh Lee , Claire Allison Stammerjohan
Abstract | PDF
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-02-2014-0026


Cross-country technology gap in Latin America: growth accounting and non-parametric approaches
Kaustav Misra , Esra Memili , Dianne Welsh , Surender Reddy , Gail Sype
Abstract | PDF
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-04-2014-0043


The panacea of culture: the changing fortunes and careers of China's Dongba priests
Zheng Xie, Yochanan Altman
Abstract | PDF
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-01-2015-0001



If the above hyperlinks do not work, then please use the following URL to access the current issue:


Richard F. J. Haans
Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Social Media Editor, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (to be retitled in 2016 as Cross Cultural & Strategic Management)


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