GBOE is a practitioner oriented journal, published by Wiley, with six issues each year is seeking new, practitioner oriented papers.
The full Call for Pares can be found here:
Chris Kimble
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems and Strategy
Tl. +33 (0)4 91 82 79 87 – Fax. +33 (0)4 91 82 79 83
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Personal web site:
Dear colleagues,
The Return to Europe: A Generation of Re-inventing National Identities - See more at:
Manuscripts therefore should focus on management themes on:
Candidates are also sought as reviewers and Editorial Advisory Board members. For further information please contact the editor at:
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Best wishes,
Odborn asistent CSc. / Ph.D.
(Assistant Professor)
Katedra management
(Department of Management)
RB 457
Vysok kola ekonomick v Praze
University of Economics, Prague
cole des Hautes tudes commerciales de Prague
nmst Winstona Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
- ikov
esk republika -
Czech Republic
Dear Colleagues,
The proposed book titled ‘International Human Resource Management: Practices, Trends and Future Directions is commissioned by Nova Science Publishers, New York (
We would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit a chapter for consideration to be published in 2016.
The aim of this book is to collect contributions that would address any practices, trends and future directions of human resource management (HRM) within the context of international business.
The rapid process of globalisation has facilitated massive migration and movement of people across international borders, esp. via multinational companies through
their trade and investment activities. Effective international business operation is not possible without implementing best practices of global HRM to motivate, attract and retain good
people who help in the success process. Therefore, in this volume, we would anticipate the contributions to document, discuss and debate key international HRM issues, with focus on the following broader but not exhaustive areas of international
business and HRM:
Contribution for this edited book are intended to range from 4,000 to 10,000 words. We also welcome either a Commentary or Short Communication of 1,000-3,000 words.
The book is planned to be published in September 2016. The deadline of final chapter submission is on 31 October 2015.
Further inquiries and final submission of your contributions should be directed to Dr Connie Zheng, Book Editor, via email at [log in to unmask].
Yours sincerely
Dr Connie Zheng
Senior Lecturer, Department of Management
Deakin Business School,
Faculty of Business & Law, Deakin University
70 Elgar Road, Burwood, VIC 3125
Room LB5.232
Phone: 61-3-9244 5190
Mobile: 0401 503 701
Professor in International Business
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
The School of Marketing and International Business at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand is a dynamic and growing school within the Victoria Business School. The Victoria
Business School is one of only a handful business schools worldwide that has achieved Triple Crown accreditation (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA). The School of Marketing and International Business offers majors in both marketing and international business, and has
a strong research focus in each discipline. New Zealand also offers excellent life-style opportunities, with an orientation towards families and outdoor life.
An opportunity has arisen within the School to appoint at the Professor level in International Business. The successful applicant should have a strong research track record that is
of a high international standard, and provide academic leadership in the International Business group including mentoring junior staff and assisting them to develop and publish their research. The successful applicant should also provide academic leadership
in teaching including mentoring junior staff and assisting them to develop excellence in teaching at all levels (undergraduate, postgraduate or MBA levels), as well as attract and supervise postgraduate students. In terms of service, the successful candidate
should contribute to the effective management of the School and also engage with external stakeholders, including developing and maintaining links with the business community, alumni, and other institutions and practitioners.
The appointee will have a proven track record of high quality published research and of successful primary PhD supervision. Competence in both quantitative and qualitative research
methodologies is desirable. The appointee should be able to contribute to existing and emerging research themes in International Business, and build on, and strengthen, existing capabilities in the School. All areas of International Business will be considered
including FDI, international strategy and entrepreneurship, internationalisation, cross-cultural management and international management. Strong teaching skills in core international business topics, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, are expected.
Please note that only online applications will be accepted:
If you have any queries or require further information please contact Associate Professor Dan Laufer, Head of School at
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Applications close: 30th January 2016
Daniel Laufer PhD, MBA - Associate Professor
Head of School
School of Marketing and International Business
Victoria Business School
Level 11, Rutherford House Rm 11.26
23 Lambton Quay
Victoria University of Wellington
P O Box 600, Wellington, 6140 New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 463 5152 Fax: +64 4 463 5231
Email: [log in to unmask]
Call for Chapters: Impact of Organisational Trauma on Workplace Behaviour and Performance – further details available at
Other suggested topics will be considered, but should coincide with the following areas:
Candidates welcomed for the role of reviewer and member of the Editorial Advisory Board. For further information, please contact the editor at
[log in to unmask]
Best wishes,
Odborn asistent CSc. / Ph.D.
(Assistant Professor)
Katedra management
(Department of Management)
RB 457
Vysok kola ekonomick v Praze
University of Economics, Prague
cole des Hautes tudes commerciales de Prague
nmst Winstona Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
- ikov
esk republika -
Czech Republic
Dear AIB-SE Family and Friends,
We are now inviting submissions to two conference tracks: New (Junior) Faculty Consortium and Doctoral Student Consortium for this year's AIB-SE conference in historic Savannah, Georgia during November 12-14, 2015 hosted by Savannah State University. The deadline for submission to these tracks is September 30, 2015.
Call for New Faculty Consortium is available at Please feel free to contact consortium chairs, Peter Magnusson and Stewart Miller.
Call for Doctoral consortium is available at Please feel free to contact consortium chairs, John McIntyre and William Newburry.
All submissions to consortiums will be handled through the AIB-SE online submission system; select the Manuscript Submission Form and then select the tracks: Junior Faculty Consortium or Doctoral Student Consortium. Any questions pertaining to the call or submissions can be directed to Susan Gupta, 2015 Program Chair.
The conference registration system is now open - and the attendees can book through Savannah Marriott Riverfront is offering AIBSE participants: a special group rate for 169.00 USD per night Book your group rate: AIB-SE >> Any questions or queries related to conference registration and/or hotel booking can be directed to Anshu Arora, Conference Chair.
We look forward to welcoming you in Savannah!
Dear Colleague,
3rd International Conference on “International Marketing in Asia Pacific Issues and Challenges (ICIM) – 2015” is organized by GRD Institute of Management, GRD School Of Commerce and International Business, Dr.GRD College Of Science, India, in association with the universities from US & UK, on 18th & 19th September at The Residency Hotel Coimbatore, India.
We invite papers for presentation and proposals for panel discussion related to the conference theme, "Globalization, Innovation, and Leadership", from scholars, business executives, professionals, and public policy makers. Every paper submitted should have a global /international orientation and must be scholarly in content. We welcome conceptual, theoretical and empirical papers, using qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies. Manuscripts submitted must be complete papers. Accepted papers will be published in an "International Edited Book" with an ISBN & ISSN edited numbers.
We particularly welcome papers related to the main theme on such topics as:
• International marketing
• Interactive marketing
• Consumer behavior
• Brand management
• Retail management
• Internet marketing
• E-Commerce
• Services marketing
• Industrial marketing
• Customer relationship management
• Neuro marketing
• Digital Marketing
• Business in transitional economies
• Comparative analysis of leadership styles
• Comparative studies of business law and taxation issues
• Corporate governance and leadership
• Cross-cultural/national consumer behavior
• Evolution and expansion of international marketing
• Innovations in financial services
• Innovations in operations management systems and technologies
• Entrepreneurship
• International logistics of supply and purchasing
• International marketing of services, tourism and hospitality management
• Joint ventures, co-operative ventures and wholly foreign-owned Businesses.
• Management information systems/decision support systems in the global Marketplace.
• Management philosophy, culture, business ethics and education
• Regionalism and globalization
• Strategic alliances and international cooperation
• World markets and global competitive strategies
Guidelines for Paper Submission:
Submit an electronic copy of the complete manuscript by 25th August 2015 to the Conference Chair. Unless specified below, guidelines and style for full paper preparation should follow those of the International Studies. Papers should be not more than 20 pages or 5,000 words in length, with an abstract of no more than 100 words. The Conference Chair must receive final revised manuscripts at the earliest. The author(s) must certify that the accepted paper is not copyrighted and has not been published elsewhere. Papers will be arranged for presentation and publication ONLY if at least one of the authors registers for the Conference by the registration deadline. An individual author may not appear on more than three papers.
Important Dates:
Conference Date : 18th & 19th September 2015.
Registration deadline is 25th August 2015.
Submit an electronic copy of manuscript by 25th August 2015.
Acceptance notification will be sent three days after the submission.
Registration | ||
Participants | Registration on or before 25.08.2015 | Registration on or after 25.08.2015 |
International delegates | US$100 | US$125 |
Industry delegates | INR 5000 | INR 6000 |
Academicians | INR 3000 | INR 4000 |
Full time Research Scholars | INR 2500 | INR 3000 |
Drafts are to be drawn in favor of "The Convener, GRD School of Commerce and International Business", payable at Coimbatore.
Please visit our conference website providing more details about the ICIM 2015. The conference sessions will let you discuss with researchers, colleagues and friends from across the world. We request you to give wide publicity about the conference. Therefore, we request you to motivate your faculty members to contribute research papers for effective representation from your esteemed Institution in this prestigious International conference.
Thanking you in anticipation of a favorable action in this regard.
Sincerely Yours,
Conference chair,
GRD Institute of Management,
Dr.GRD College of Science,
Civil Aerodrome Post,
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to our 9th session of FERC Spanish Discussion Group.
As you know, the virtual session is free and uses Zoom software which is a program like Skype, free but more stable.
This 9th meeting will be Wednesday, August 26th and has an extension of one hour. To reserve your space and receive details of the connection through Zoom software, just click on and fill out the registration process.
About the program:
The first part will be conducted by Ricardo Fainsilber, a Doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies, USA (Adjunct Professor at Universidad Anáhuac, México), He will share his research titled “Family Business Sustainability Across Cultures”. Immediately after, Jean Sepúlveda Umanzor, Ph.D. in Economics, North Carolina State University, USA (Professor and Research at Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile) will present the theme “Earnings Management and Performance in Family-Controlled Firms: Evidence from an Emerging Economy".
To view the previous sessions of this initiative, click on
On behalf of FERC Spanish Discussion Group, we hope to see you on August 26.
Claudio G. Müller
Adjunct Professor
School of Economics and Business
University of Chile
FERC Spanish Discussion Group
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Local Schedule:
Los Angeles (USA): 7:00 AM
Guatemala & Costa Rica: 8:00 AM
México, Perú & Colombia: 9:00 AM
Venezuela & Boston (USA): 10:00 AM
Uruguay, Sao Paulo (Brasil), Argentina & Chile: 11:00 AM
Londres: 3:00 PM
Madrid y Alemania: 4:00 PM
Mauro Guillen (Wharton) and Laurence Capron (INSEAD) are making available FOR FREE a new dataset on minority shareholder protections covering 78 countries between 1970 and 2011.
Go to:
Mauro F. Guillen
Like my new books on Facebook:!/EmergingMarketsRule and!/GlobalTurningPoints
Follow me on Twitter @MauroFGuillen
Director, Lauder Institute, and
Dr. Felix Zandman Professor of International Management
The Wharton School
212 Lauder-Fischer Hall
256 South 37th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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Welcome to the
Perspectives on Innovations (GAPS) Conference 25-26 November 2015
-an international conference to mark the UAEs year of innovation 2015
Today, more than any other time, we need to boost innovation among young people, build nurturing environments in our society, and encourage our schools and universities
to equip our youth with skills in research and discovery methodologies.
Ref: Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, announcing 2015 as the UAE Year of Innovation
GAPS 2015 is an interdisciplinary international conference that invites academics and independent scholars and researchers from the public and
private sectors around the world to meet and exchange the latest ideas and discuss issues, policies and perspectives concerning innovation and society.
Thanks to the support and sponsorship of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation, at the Prime Ministers Office at the Ministry
of Cabinet Affairs Dubai, United Arab Emirates, we invite you and your colleagues to
mark the UAEs year of innovation 2015 and make your plans to join us in Dubai. For more information:
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Call for Papers:
The conference will bring together
thought leaders, academics, policy leaders, leading executives and social innovators from the public and private sectors to discuss issues, policies and perspectives concerning innovation and society, as well as mainstream innovation management themes.
The conference will mark the UAEs year of innovation 2015, and provide the basis for a virtuous circle of permanent social and economic growth.
The 2015 UAE Innovation Strategy, through a focus on seven sectors: renewable energy, transport, education, health, technology, water and space,
is intended as a key driver for the creation of more sustainable economy and society within the Emirates. Yet globally, the rise of the digital economy and fast changing societal priorities has created a multitude of new opportunities and options for both
governments, firms and organizations to develop new approaches, services and products to improve both the individuals and societys quality of life.
The actions associated with these approaches of course need to be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Effective innovation management and delivery can
bring about a vibrant, inclusive society with a sustainable economy that is reinforced by structural intellectual capital leading to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Submissions from academic, research, public and private sector organizations, industry, intermediary and policy organizations are invited and should focus on the following:
Academia Themes
Innovation for Sustainable Societies
Collaboration for Innovation
Creativity in Innovation
Early-stage Innovation
Green, Public & Social Innovation
Innovation Training, Teaching & Coaching
Methods & Measurement of Innovation
Open Innovation
Service Innovation
Strategic Foresight, Strategic Agility & Future Orientation
Transferring Knowledge for Innovation
UAE Innovation Sector Strategy
Government/Public Sector Themes
Public Sector innovation- Comparison between countries
Policy innovation- National or local
Innovation delivery approach in the public sector
Citizens centric innovations
Measurement of innovation in the public sector
Innovation skills, competencies, capabilities
Innovation implementation toolkits
Criteria, methods of running innovation labs
Abstracts: |
All submission types require an abstract in the first instance. Abstracts should be a minimum of 300 and no more
than 500 words including up to five key-words and key-phrases to be received by 31st August 2015 |
Submission: |
Abstracts must include the proposed title for the paper, the full names (first name and surname, not initials);
postal addresses and email addresses of all authors and a telephone number for at least one contact author. Please indicate clearly if the contact author is not the lead author and select the appropriate submission track. |
Full paper: |
Only required for academic submissions to main conference streams once the abstract has been selected and not
to be more than 5,000 words including abstract, keywords and references (the Harvard referencing rules need to be followed). Submission date will be no later than November 1st 2015.
Papers should be submitted as .doc or .rtf file attachments by email to the Conference Chair, Professor Rhys Rowland-Jones ([log in to unmask])with the paper submission checklist and copyright form. |
Important information
Immanuel Azaad Moonesar
R.D, PhDc
Principal Researcher
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government
(formerly Dubai School of Government)
Level 13, Convention Tower
P.O. Box 72229, Dubai, UAE
Phone: +9714-3175533
Fax: +9714-3293291
Follow MBRSG on
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be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by any other party. If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, please promptly delete it and all copies, as well as any attachments, and inform the sender. Thank
Special Issue of the Journal of International Business Studies
The role of financial and legal institutions
in INTERNATIONAL corporate governance
Special Issue Editors
Deadline for submission: August 31, 2015
Tentative publication date: Spring/Summer 2017
Nature of the Special Issue
Financial and legal institutions play key roles in facilitating governance through monitoring and mitigating information asymmetries, thereby enhancing international business and economic growth. Legal scholars emphasize that auditors, financial analysis, and banks serve as reputational gatekeepers that strongly influence capital market development (Coffee, 2002). Economists observe that legal institutions, such as courts and regulatory agencies, influence corporate finance and financial development by supporting private contractual arrangements (Beck and Levine, 2008). Yet, the development of financial and legal institutions varies widely across countries and political regimes. In this special issue, we seek to encourage diverse international business approaches to help foster the discourse on the relative importance of financial and legal institutions for corporate governance in different economies around the world. Further research is warranted on exactly how these institutions influence asymmetric information problems, how financial and legal institutions work in tandem and apart, and the differences in mechanism effectiveness in dissimilar economies and political regimes.
The law and finance literature highlights the importance of strong financial and legal institutions in promoting access to finance, economic development and growth. For example, stronger securities regulatory systems facilitate initial public offerings (La Porta et al., 1997, 1998, 2006), the spawning of new entrepreneurial start-ups (Klapper et al., 2006; Cumming and Knill, 2012) and growth in emerging markets (Senbet and Ncube, 1997; Allen et al., 2005; Bekaert et al., 2005). The success of these corporate endeavors, however, largely depends on the ability of corporate governance systems to mitigate agency problems and other governance conflicts specific to the particular economy (Shleifer and Vishny, 1997; John and Senbet, 1998; Gompers et al., 2003). Research shows that institutions may not only shape the nature of dominant governance problems in different countries, but also influence the efficacy of firm-level governance solutions (Chahine et al., 2012).
Recent work demonstrates that legal institutions by themselves fail to explain problems with corporate governance and more generally economic development in many markets around the world, such as China (Allen et al., 2005), India (Allen et al., 2012) and African countries (Allen et al., 2013). The success of certain countries, and the continued lack of success of others, remains largely unexplained on the basis of current understandings of the difficulties in separating ownership and control. In countries such as China, which often lack strong Western-style legal institutions and governance regulations, financial intermediaries establish other governance mechanisms that facilitate access to finance and economic growth.
Politics potentially distorts the role that legal and financial institutions play in corporate governance and skew the desired outcomes. Two dimensions within which politics can enhance or diminish the benefits that legal and financial institutions can provide in corporate governance around the world are: 1) the political economy of financial regulation (see, e.g., Rajan and Zingales, 2003), and 2) the value of political connections (among others, Fisman, 2001; Faccio et al., 2006; Claessens et al., 2008). Studies document that firms benefit from political connections, yet the impact on the international business aspects of corporate governance remains unclear as does the net or aggregate impact on industry growth.
We invite contributions to this special issue on the role of financial and legal institutions in corporate governance around the world. Our goal in this special issue is to integrate the strengths of finance, law, and international business scholars to gain insights into resolving asymmetric information and the associated governance problems in international business.
Submissions are encouraged from scholars that use different theoretical and empirical approaches to understand corporate governance, financial intermediation and growth in emerging and developed markets with an emphasis on finance, law and in politics. While not exhaustive, the following list suggests possible issues that would be appropriate to address in this special issue:
• How do financial and regulatory constraints impact strategy and growth in private versus public firms across different markets and/or over time?
• What influences regulatory competition across various economies? For instance, given that countries compete on corporate taxes, listing requirements, governance regulations, and court systems, how does regulatory competition effect FDI, or more broadly, international business?
• How do firms adapt their governance mechanisms and capital raising strategies in uncertain political and regulatory environments in different markets?
• What legal and/or political factors insulate firms in times of crisis? Do these differ across foreign and local firms?
• What is the role of financial regulation in spurring or discouraging international business and economic growth in emerging versus developed markets?
• What is the relative impact of political connectedness in different contexts in conferring special advantages to certain sectors of the economy or politically favored firms? For example, do political connections vary in their importance/effectiveness in countries with different financial and legal institutions?
• How important are property rights to financing innovation and international entrepreneurship? For instance, does the importance of property rights affect the types of financing activities in emerging and developed markets? How do differences in property rights influence sources of funding for innovative activities?
• How has the globalization of the IPO market and evolving regulation of exchanges around the world influenced international business and economic development in different countries?
• What patterns exist in disclosure policy, earnings management and accountability problems around the world and how do these patterns impact international business?
• How is the investor landscape changing? For example, what is the governance impact of private equity investors, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and other financial intermediaries?
• Does the political economy of international financial regulation influence how different firms raise capital in a global economy?
This Special Issue will provide an opportunity for JIBS to reach out to a wider audience that has traditionally been associated with the leading economics and finance journals. By publishing this Special Issue, JIBS will not only acknowledge the significant contribution of the “law and economics” perspective to international business research, but it will also send a strong signal that the journal wants to be an outlet of choice for top scholars working in the international economics, finance and comparative law areas.
Submission Process
All manuscripts will be reviewed as a cohort for this special issue. Manuscripts must be submitted in the window between August 17, 2015, and August 31, 2015, at All submissions will go through the JIBS regular double-blind review process and follow the standard norms and processes.
For more information about this call for papers, please contact the Special Issue Editors or the JIBS Managing Editor ([log in to unmask]).
Cass Business School Workshop: Emerging Markets International Business
Cass Business School, in cooperation with JIBS, is pleased to host an international research workshop on “The Role of Financial and Legal Institutions in Corporate Governance” in February 2016, in conjunction with this special issue. The workshop will provide an opportunity for authors whose work has been shortlisted for the JIBS Special Issue. Experienced and distinguished scholars will serve as discussants to facilitate the development of the papers. There will be scholars interested in attending as general participants.
Details on the workshop will be forthcoming in 2015.
Allen, F, Carletti, E, Cull, R, Qian, J, Senbet, L, & Valenzuela, P. 2013, Resolving the African Financial Development Gap. NBER volume on African Development Successes (University of Chicago Press; edited by S. Edwards, S. Johnson and D. Weil)
Allen, F., Qian, J., & Qian, M. 2005. Law, finance and economic growth in China. Journal of Financial Economics, 77(1): 57-116.
Allen, F., Chakrabartib, R., Dec, S., Qiand, J., & Qiane, M. 2012. Financing firms in India. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 21(3): 409–445.
Beck, T. and R. Levine, 2008. Legal Institutions and Financial Development, Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Springer, Berlin.
Bekaert, G., Harvey, C. & Lundblad. C. 2005. Does financial liberalization spur growth? Journal of Financial Economics 77: 3-55.
Chahine S, Arthurs J, Filatotchev I., Hoskisson R 2012. The effects of venture capital syndicate diversity on earnings management and performance of IPOs in the US and UK: An institutional perspective. Journal of Corporate Finance, 18(1):179-192.
Claessens, S., Feijen, E. & Laeven, L. 2008. Political connections and preferential access to finance: The role of campaign contributions. Journal of Financial Economics 88: 554-580.
Coffee, J., 2002, Understanding Enron: It’s about the gatekeepers, stupid, The Business Lawyer 57: 1403-1420.
Cumming, D. & Knill, A. 2012. Disclosure, venture capital and entrepreneurial spawning. Journal of International Business Studies 43(6): 563–590.
Faccio, M., Masulis, R. & McConnell, J. 2006. Political connections and corporate bailouts. The Journal of Finance 61: 2597-2635.
Fisman, R. 2001. Estimating the value of political connections. American Economic Review: 1095-1102.
Gompers, P., Ishii, L.J. & Metrick, A. 2003. Corporate governance and equity prices. Quarterly Journal of Economics 118: 107.
John, K., & Senbet, L. 1998. Corporate governance and board effectiveness. Journal of Banking and Finance 22: 371-403.
Klapper, L., Laeven, L., & Rajan, R., 2006. Entry regulation as a barrier to entrepreneurship. Journal of Financial Economics 82:3, pp. 591-629, 2006.
La Porta, R.; F. Lopez-De-Silanes; A. Shleifer & Vishny, R. 1997. Legal determinants of external finance. The Journal of Finance LII: 1131-1150.
La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., Shleifer, A., & Vishny, R. 1998. Law and finance. Journal of Political Economy, 106(6): 1113–1155.
La Porta, R., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., & Shleifer, A. 2006. What works in securities laws? The Journal of Finance, 61(1): 1–32.
Rajan, R. & Zingales, L. 2003. The great reversals: the politics of financial development in the twentieth century. Journal of Financial Economics 69: 5-50.
Senbet, L. & Ncube, M. 1997. Financial regulation and liberalization in Africa under incentive problems and asymmetric information. Journal of African Economies, 6 (1): 29-88.
Shleifer, A. & Vishny, R. 1997. A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance 52: 737-783.
Special Issue Editors
Douglas Cumming, J.D., Ph.D., CFA, is a Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship and the Ontario Research Chair at the Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada. He teaches the MBA course “Venture Capital and Private Equity”. His research interests include venture capital, private equity, hedge funds, mutual funds, entrepreneurship, and law and finance. He is a Co-Editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and Finance Research Letters, and has been a guest editor for 12 special issues of top journals. He has published over 110 articles in leading refereed academic journals in finance, management, and law and economics, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. He has received a number of academic best paper awards, such at the Ido Sarnat Best Paper Award from the Journal of Banking and Finance, and a best paper award from the Bank of Canada. He is the coauthor of Venture Capital and Private Equity Contracting (Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition, 2013), and Hedge Fund Structure, Regulation and Performance around the World (Oxford University Press, 2013). He is the Editor of the Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance (Oxford University Press, 2013), the Oxford Handbook of Private Equity (Oxford University Press, 2013), and the Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital (Oxford University Press, 2013). His work has been reviewed in numerous media outlets, including The Economist, The New York Times, Canadian Business, the National Post, and The New Yorker. He is a research associate with a number of institutions around the world, including Capital Markets CRC (Sydney), Cambridge University ESRC Center for Business Research (Cambridge UK), and the Center for Financial Studies (Frankfurt). Also, he has consulted for a variety of governmental and private organizations in Australasia, Europe, and North America.
Igor Filatotchev is Professor of Corporate Governance and Strategy and Associate Dean at Cass Business School, City University London, and Director of Centre for Research on Corporate Governance at Cass. He is also a Visiting Professor at Vienna University of Economics and Business. He earned his PhD in Economics from the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (Moscow, the Russian Federation). His research interests are focused on corporate governance effects on entrepreneurship and strategic decisions; sociology of capital markets. Key research programmes currently in progress include analysis of resource and strategy roles of corporate governance; corporate governance life-cycle; and a knowledge-based view on governance development in entrepreneurial firms and IPOs. He has published more than one hundred refereed academic papers, in addition to numerous books and book chapters, in the fields of corporate governance, entrepreneurship and strategy including publications in leading academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, California Management Review, Journal of Management Studies and Journal of Management. Most recently he edited “Corporate Governance and the Business Life-cycle” (2010), London, New York: Edward Elgar, and co-edited “The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance” (2013), Oxford: OUP. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Management Studies. Before joining JMS editorial team he was an Associate Editor of Corporate Governance: An International Review.
April Knill, Ph.D., is the Gene Taylor/Bank of America Professor of Finance at Florida State University. Before joining Florida State University, she was a consultant for the Development Research Group at the World Bank in Washington, DC. Her research interests include international finance, venture capital, and the intersection between law, finance and politics. She has published in journals such as Journal of Business, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Comparative Economics and Financial Management. She has received the Dean’s Emerging Scholar Award as well as the Center for International Business Education & Research and Financial Management Association Award for the Best Dissertation in International Finance.
Lemma W. Senbet is the Executive Director of African Economic Research Consortium ( and on leave from the University of Maryland as the William E. Mayer Chair Professor of Finance. Prior to Maryland and AERC, Lemma Senbet was a distinguished professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and held the Charles Albright Endowed Chair. Professor Senbet has achieved global recognition for his extensive and widely cited contributions to corporate and international finance, which have appeared in such premier journals as Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Business. He has received numerous recognitions for his impact on the Finance profession. He has been elected twice as director of the American Finance Association and is a past president of the Western Finance Association. In 2000, he was inducted into the Financial Economists Roundtable, a distinguished group of world-wide financial economists who have made significant contributions to finance and apply research to current policy debates. In 2006, Professor was inducted Fellow of the Financial Management Association International in recognition of his career-long distinguished scholarship. In 2005, Prof Senbet was awarded an honorary doctorate by Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia's flagship university and his alma mater. Additional professional recognitions for Professor Senbet came from editorial appointments. He has been appointed to over a dozen journal editorial boards, including extended tenures with the Journal of Finance (12 yrs), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (6 yrs), and Financial Management (18 yrs). In 1999 he was named executive editor of FM and served two terms until 2005. In 2006 he was named Editor (Finance), JIBS, and he served five years. Prof Senbet has supervised numerous doctoral students who have gone on to become professors at leading institutions, such as Carnegie Mellon, Dartmouth, Vanderbilt, Minnesota, Florida, etc. Two of his former doctoral students are now Dean at Carnegie Mellon and Chief Economist of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, respectively. Prof Senbet has advised the World Bank, the IMF, the UN, African Development Bank, and various governmental and private agencies in USA, Canada, and Africa on issues relating to financial sector reforms and capital market development. Regarding his role in the US financial industry, Prof Senbet was a director of Fotris Funds and is currently an independent director for the Hartford Funds.
David M. Reeb holds the Mr. and Mrs. Lin Jo Yan Professorship of Banking and Finance and is a Professor in the Department of Finance at National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School. He also serves as an Editor at the Journal of International Business Studies, a Senior Fellow of the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER), and the Director of Business Doctoral Programs in NUS Business School. Dr. Reeb’s research focuses on corporate finance but also encompasses financial disclosure choices and delves into international business. His most recent publication documents how symptoms of insider trading increase after regulators, such as the Federal Reserve or the FDA, gain access to private information about the firm. Dr. Reeb’s research appears in the most influential academic journals in accounting, finance, law, and management (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Accounting Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Law and Economics, and the Journal of International Business Studies). This research generates thousands of citations, leading to features in the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, The Economist, Forbes, the Financial Times, the International Herald Tribune, Inc Magazine, SmartMoney, MSNBC, CNN, Bloomberg TV, and several other major newspapers and business magazines in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia.
Anne Hoekman
Managing Editor, Journal of International Business Studies
JIBS Editorial Office
Academy of International Business
Michigan State University
Tel: +1-517-481-3518
Fax: +1-517-432-1009
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The Political Economy of Chinese Finance
J. Jay Choi, Temple University, USA
Michael R. Powers, Tsinghua University, China
Xiaotian Tina Zhang, Saint Mary’s College of California, USA
This edited book is scheduled as volume 17 of International Finance Review (IFR), an annual book series. IFR publishes theme-oriented edited volumes on various issues in international finance, including global dimensions of financial economics, accounting and strategy. IFR is indexed by AERES (France), EconLit, Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO, Thomson Reuters' Book Citation Index, and others.
Despite the broad acceptance of the market paradigm in mainstream economics and finance, there remains an ongoing debate pertaining to the proper role of government in addressing market failures and imperfections. Conversely, state-directed command economies such as China’s have transitioned to a market economy, but remain under significant central control and influence. In China, the role of government is still pervasive, from state-owned or partially privatized firms, to regulation of the financial sector, to supervision through political and legal institutions. The emergence of China as a global economic power provides added interest to the questions of how state-based Chinese firms and markets operate and how they behave differently from those of market-based industrial economies.
In this volume, we welcome original manuscripts on a variety of issues relating to the political economy of Chinese finance, including (but not limited to):
o The pattern of government ownership and control of Chinese firms
o The role of government in corporate governance of industrial and financial firms
o The interaction of culture, law and institutions in Chinese governance systems
o Corporate social responsibility, stakeholders and sustainable growth
o The effect of political connections on corporate performance and society
o Privatization, IPOs, exchange listing and firm valuation
o The role of government in banking and financial markets
o Practice of corporate risk management and insurance
o Foreign-exchange policy and its effect on firms and markets
o Foreign direct and portfolio investments in China
o International investments and operations of Chinese firms
o Chinese economic relations with the US and other countries
We invite the submission of original research papers in all modalities: theoretical, empirical, institutional or policy-oriented. Interested authors are encouraged to submit completed papers electronically (in Microsoft Word) via email to all three co-editors as early as possible, but no later than August 30, 2015:
J. Jay Choi, Temple University ([log in to unmask])
Michael R. Powers, Tsinghua University ([log in to unmask])
Xiotian Tina Zhang, Saint Mary’s College of California ([log in to unmask])
J. (Jongmoo) Jay Choi, Ph.D.
Laura H. Carnell Professor of Finance;
Professor of International Business and Strategy;
Temple University, Fox School of Business,
Department of Finance, 417 Alter Hall,
1801 Liacouras Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19122-6083;
Email [log in to unmask]; Phone 215-204-5084;
Founding Editor, International Finance Review (annual book series);
Editor, Journal of Economics and Business
AGBA’s 12th World Congress
on November 16 -- 17, 2015
at the
University of Malaysia Pahang
Kuala Lumpur Campus
Conference Theme
"Business and Entrepreneurship Development in a Globalized Era and the Rise of Malaysia”.
Conference Chair and AGBA Chair:
Klaus-Peter Wiedmann
Chair Professor of Marketing and
Director: Institute of Marketing Management
Leibniz University at Hannover
Keynote Speaker:
Norman Wright
Woodbury School of Business
Utah Valley University
Orem, Utah, USA
Conference Brief:
The main theme of the conference is "Business and Entrepreneurship Development in a Globalized Era and the Rise of Malaysia”. This conference will feature competitive papers, plenary sessions, case studies, poster presentations, student papers, and panel sessions. Submissions will be subjected to a double-blind review process and will be published in the refereed American conference proceedings (Advances in Global Business Research, ISS# 1549-9332).
Our Conference Partner -- GIFT Society -- (
Conference Goal:
The primary goal of the conference is to provide a unique global platform to facilitate the exchange of leading edge ideas for effective advancement of knowledge in the field of business administration and entrepreneurship. This will be achieved through multi-disciplinary presentations and discussions of current business and entrepreneurship issues in developing and developed countries.
Conference Highlights:
Major highlights of the conference would be (1) faculty development workshops, (2) networking between Malaysian and global academics, and (3) one-to-one mentoring of selected doctoral students by globally renowned scholars.
Manuscript Submissions:
We welcome submission of manuscripts that address the conference theme as well as all functional areas of business administration and entrepreneurship (e.g., accounting, economics, operations, finance, information system, management, marketing, entrepreneurship, hospitality and tourism management). If you are uncertain whether your paper fits the conference theme or not, please contact please contact Conference Director/Program Chair (Dr. Kishwar Joonas) via her email address: [log in to unmask]
Publication Opportunities:
Best papers presented at the conference would be published in the special issues of the following world-class journals:
Registration and Submission Deadline: September 15, 2015
Thank you very much.
Prof. Dr. Zafar U. Ahmed
BBA (New York), MBA (Texas), Ph.D., (Utah)
Professor of Marketing and International Business
President/CEO: Academy for Global Business Advancement (
Director: AGBA’s Institute for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship
Chair: AGBA’s Center for International Business Education and Research
Editor-in-Chief: Journal for Global Business Advancement
Honorary Chief Editor: Journal for International Business & Entrepreneurship
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Skype ID: zafaruahmed
[log in to unmask]" alt="">[log in to unmask]" alt="">[log in to unmask]" alt="">
1st International Conference on Business Diplomacy
December 4th
2015 – The Netherlands
Venue: Windesheim University of Applied Sciences – Zwolle (The Netherlands). In collaboration with Netherlands Institute
of International Relations Clingendael, Ghent University (Belgium), Diplomacy dialogue (Geneva)
Global legitimacy challenges for international companies and strategic business diplomacy
Introduction to the theme:
Multinational entreprises (MNEs) experienced ‘golden days’ during the 1990s and 2000s, they expanded globally and were major players
in globalization. Today they have become powerful actors in the global economy. CEOs of international businesses are welcomed by heads of state as their counterparts, they are invited by governments to help solve global issues such as climate change and poverty,
and they are facing dilemmas comparable to those of other international actors.
However, MNEs are facing global legitimacy challenges. They are suspected of tax avoidance, using low wage countries for corporate
benefits only, disrespecting privacy regulations, abusing consumer data, violating local community rights, exploiting natural resources, ignoring basic human rights, and employing too many lobbyists targeting national and international political decision-making
processes for their own corporate interests.
Although many of these challenges are not new, they have resurfaced and become more apparent during the past couple of years, partly
due to the economic recession that many developed economies have faced and to the broader awareness of increasing global inequality and the importance of sustainability.
How can international business respond? Strategic business diplomacy may be the answer.
Business diplomacy involves developing strategies for long-term, positive relationship building with governments, local communities, and interest groups, aiming to establish and sustain legitimacy and to mitigate the risks arising from all non-commercial
or exogenous factors in the global business environment.
Business diplomacy is different from lobbying or strategic political activity; it implies an (strategic / holistic) approach of an
international business to look at itself as an actor in the international diplomatic arena. Representation, communication and negotiation are key in such an approach.
One of the consequences is that MNEs are able to operate in and show respect for an international business environment that consists
of multiple stakeholders. This demands a strategic perspective and vision on the sector and the business environments in which the company wants to operate, and requires a specific set of instruments, skills and competences.
This conference brings together international business representatives, practitioners and researchers in a one and a half day-event.
Insights into business diplomacy presented by leading international companies are seen as important input for the conference. Researchers who have contributed to the development of the field and who have worked with business leaders will address what strategic
business diplomacy looks like from their perspective, and how it impacts the legitimacy challenges that international business faces.
DATE: December 4th (full day) & 5th
(morning) 2015 – The Netherlands. (December 4th morning: key notes; afternoon: round tables with research presentations; December 5th morning: conclusions/agenda setting/wrap up)
HOST and ORGANIZING UNIVERSITY: Windesheim University of Applied Sciences – Faculty of Business, Media & Law (Zwolle - The Netherlands)
PARTNERS: The Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, Ghent University, Diplomacy Dialogue (Geneva), Novancia
Business School (Paris), Windesheim Faculty of Business, Media & Law (Netherlands).
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Jan Melissen (University of Antwerp (Belgium)/Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael),
Shaun Riordan (Clingendael), Jennifer Kestelyn (University of Ghent (Belgium)), Raymond Saner (Diplomacy Dialogue, Geneva & Sciences Po, Paris), Donna Lee (Bradford University – UK), Doudou Sidibe (Novancia Business School, Paris), Huub Rul (Windesheim UoAS,
The Netherlands)
Addressing and discussing the global legitimacy challenges of international business in today’s global economy and how strategic business
diplomacy can help to deal with those issues.
Researchers and practitioners with a scholarly interest
from around the world are invited to submit an extended abstract of a paper to be presented at this conference.
Those whose abstracts are accepted will be invited for this conference. Their final papers will be included in a conference proceedings.
The best papers will be invited for inclusion in the book ‘Business Diplomacy’ for the
Advanced Series in Management
of Emerald Publishing.
Furthermore, as a follow up, the organizers are working on a special issue for an international journal.
Topics of extended abstracts can be (but are not limited to):
International Business and global legitimacy challenges
International Business, Business diplomacy and the OECD guidelines
International Business, Business diplomacy and mitigating risks
International Business, Business diplomacy and sustainable development
International Business, Business diplomacy and the impact and potential of digitalization
International Business, Business diplomacy and fragile states
International Business as international political actors
International business and inequality
MNEs, business diplomacy and tax avoidance schemes
International Business, business diplomacy and ethical dilemmas
International Business and public-private partnerships
Extended abstract format
The conference committee welcomes extended abstracts of empirical papers as well as of conceptual/theoretical papers. Abstracts should
clearly reflect the content of the full paper, as based on this the committee will decide on acceptance or not.
Length of an extended abstract: min 500 words – max 1000 words (excluding references)
Language: English
Important dates:
Extended abstracts deadline: September 15st 2015
Acceptance notification: September 30th 2015
Final full paper submission: November 1st 2015
Send submissions to:
[log in to unmask]
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Call for papers for Special Issue of Journal of International Management
Global Crisis Management
Guest editors: Timothy Coombs, Texas A&M, USA and Daniel Laufer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Deadline: October 31st, 2016
Submission to:
[log in to unmask]
and [log in to unmask]
1. Purpose of Special Issue
Examples of crises involving multinationals can be found in the media around the world on a regular basis. Examples of high profile crises involving
multinationals include the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the oil spill in the Gulf by BP, sudden acceleration in Toyota cars, and people becoming seriously ill after using Vioxx, a prescription drug manufactured by the American multinational
Despite the importance of Crisis Management to both academicians and practitioners, only recently have business journals devoted special issues
to the topic (Laufer, 2015), and none to our knowledge in the area of global crisis management.
Crisis Management is defined as “a set of factors designed to combat crises and to lessen the actual damage inflicted by a crisis” (Coombs, 2015).
Drawing from the literature in emergency preparedness, crisis management involves four interrelated factors: Prevention, preparation, response and revision (Coombs, 2015). These factors are incorporated in a commonly used three-stage approach describing Crisis
Management as involving three phases. The pre-crisis phase (prevention and preparation), the crisis phase (response), and the post-crisis phase (learning and revision).
2. Examples of research themes and questions for the Special Issue
Whereas research has been conducted in all three phases of Crisis Management, most of the research is in the crisis phase and very little has been
examined in the international context. This special issue is devoted to this area, and in particular we encourage submission of cross-cultural papers examining how the practice of Crisis Management differs across countries. Both theoretical and empirical submissions
are welcome. The empirical studies can use quantitative or qualitative methods. The following list of themes and questions are meant to be illustrative, not exhaustive, and to provide an indication of topics we are interested in for this Special Issue.
Risk Assessment and Diagnosing Crisis Vulnerabilities: Do stakeholders assess risk differently across countries? What cultural factors influence risk assessment?
Impact of Crises on Stakeholder Relationships (Employees, Customers, the Media, Shareholders): Do stakeholders react differently to crises across countries? What cultural
factors influence the different reactions?
Communications During Crises: Do stakeholders react differently to corporate communication strategies across countries? What cultural factors influence the different
reactions? Which communication strategies are most effective in a global context?
Managing Global Crises: How does a global crisis differ from a localized one? What factors need to be considered by companies in responding to a global crisis?
The Role of Corporate Reputation in a Crisis: What role does corporate reputation play in a global crisis? What is the impact of a strong corporate reputation during
a global crisis. Is it more or less effective in certain cross-cultural contexts? How is corporate reputation impacted by a crisis? Is it more or less adversely impacted in certain countries? What cultural factors influence the extent of reputational harm?
Organizational Learning & Crises: Are employees in certain countries more or less receptive to learning from a crisis, and open to organizational change? What cultural
factors facilitate organizational changes following a crisis?
3. Submission Instructions
The deadline for submission of manuscripts is October 31, 2016. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with Journal of International Management’s
Style Guide for Authors:
Manuscripts should be electronically submitted to the Guest editors at [log in to unmask]
and [log in to unmask].
All submissions will be subject to the regular double-blind peer review process at JIM.
4. Contact details
Please direct any questions regarding the Special Issue to one of the guest editors.
Coombs, W. T. 2015.
Ongoing Crisis Communication (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Laufer, D. 2015. Emerging Issues in Crisis Management.
Business Horizons 2015
Vol 58 (2): 137-139.
Dear AIB Moderator,
I would be very grateful if you could please distribute the Call for Book Chapters below to the AIB List. Thank you.
Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun
Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Local and Global Perspectives
TYPES OF PAPERS FOR SUBMISSIONS – Your submission can be in any of the following four categories:
A quantitative and/or qualitative research paper; or
A theoretical model; or
A literature review paper (but needs to provide theoretical insights based on review of relevant literature); or
An authorized biographical research paper
· Traditional and contemporary approaches to leadership and management in organizations.
· Leadership and strategic management in higher education
· Financial resources in higher education
· Internationalization in higher education
· Teaching and research in higher education.
· Human resource management in higher education
· Institutional governance in higher education
· Management of student satisfaction and retention in higher education
· Leadership and management of residential and dining facilities in higher education
· Management of the accreditation process in higher education
· Marketing of higher education
· Leadership and Spirituality in higher education
· Women in leadership and management of higher education
· Motivation of staff in higher education
· Leadership and management of employees performance in higher education
· Leadership and management of institutional advancements (including Alumni Associations) in higher education
· Management of organizational change in higher education
· Leadership and sports management in higher education
· Exporting of higher education
· Leadership and management of information technology in higher education
· Managing ethical issues in higher education
· Leadership and management factors contributing to effective performance in higher education
The above list is by no means exhaustive as other topics in the field of leadership and management will also be considered.
Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be single spaced, Times New Roman font, 12pt size, with 2.4cm margin on all four sides and using Windows. The title of your paper must be written in bold capital letters using 12pt Times New Roman font. Also all headings and sub-headings must be written in bold capital letters using 12pt Times New Roman font. All tables and figures should be incorporated into the body of the paper with titles at the top left of the table or figure.
The manuscript should have two covers. The first cover should contain the title, abstract, full authorship, authors’ academic degrees, professional titles, affiliations, postal and email addresses, acknowledgement of research sponsors and assistance. This should then be followed by another cover that only indicates the article title and the abstract (this will be used for anonymous refereeing). This second cover should be followed by the full paper.
Manuscripts should be emailed to Dr Gabriel Ogunmokun at the following email addresses: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] The subject of the email should be: Book chapter for Leadership and Management in Higher Education. All paper(s) will be subjected to a double blind, peer review process.
The book will be edited by Dr David Hall, the President of the University of the Virgin Islands and Dr Gabriel Ogunmokun, the President of the World Academy of Researchers, Educators and Scholars, and a Professor at the University of the Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands.
Deadline for Submission of Chapters: 18th September 2015
Special Issue of
AsiaPacific Journal of Financial Studies
Corporate Finance in the Global Economy: Value Creation via Innovations
Special Issue Editor: Yong H. Kim
University of Cincinnati
AsiaPacific Journal of Financial Studies (AJFS) invites manuscripts for a special issue on
Corporate Finance in the Global Economy: Value Creation via Innovations and related issues, scheduled for publication in 2016. AJFS became the first finance journal published in Asia covered by the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in 2006. AJFS has been published since 1980 by the Korean Securities Association (KSA), the oldest and largest academic organization of finance scholars and practitioners in Korea.
Visit and for additional information about the Journal.
Globalization and market liberalization have led to borderless competition among corporations all over the world. To achieve sustainable growth, companies should create their competitive advantage via innovations in human capital, entrepreneurship, organizational structure, and so on. Various finance functions, such as asset pricing, corporate financing and investment, corporate governance, and risk management can assist companies in creating future value. The special issue is devoted to the empirical and theoretical studies of these and other related issues, both positive and normative.
Examples of relevant topics may include, but are not limited to:
. Investment in human capital and firm value
. Corporate entrepreneurship and financial performance
. Global competition and corporate governance
. Corporate ownership, control and organizational changes and value creation
. Globalization and capital budgeting, corporate finance and the cost of capital
. Financial market integration and corporate financial policy
. Cross-border joint ventures, alliances, M&A, outsourcing and boundaries of the firm
. Corporate risk exposure and management in capital budgeting and financing decisions
. Corporate finance and portfolio allocation strategies
. Effects of globalization on financial constraints and investment
. Effects of macroeconomic and financial crises on corporate finance
. Financial liberalization and corporate finance
. Emerging market multinationals and corporate governance
. Political economy of culture, law, institution, and governance in corporate finance
. Financial innovations and corporate finance
. Behavioral issues related to firms and investors in corporate finance
. Corporate cash holdings and firm value
. Welfare consequences of financial globalization and corporate finance
Up to eight papers will be selected for the Special Issue and a US$1,000 (or 1,000,000 KRW)
award will be granted to each selected paper.
All manuscripts must be in English and include an abstract of fewer than 500 words. The cover page should contain the papers title, the authors name, affiliation, address, and email address. The second page should contain only the papers title and abstract. All manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format to [log in to unmask] by August 31, 2015. No submission fee is required. We expect to complete the review process and communicate the results by December 31, 2015.
Palgrave Studies in Global Human Capital Management |
Series Editors: Sumit Kundu, James K Batten Eminent Scholar Chair in International Business, Florida International University, USA Vijay Pereira, Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth, UK Ashish Malik, Lecturer, University of Newcastle, Australia Surender Munjal, Lecturer in International Business and Strategy, University of Leeds, UK |
About The Series: Globalization has led to spatial division and disaggregation of work across the globe, leading to the evolution of novel forms of work organization and contextually-embedded approaches such as co-working and co-creation in an interconnected and interdependent ecosystem. Whilst there are many advantages of scale and scope associated with these work design forms there are also many problems and challenges. Palgrave Studies in Global Human Management presents new research that examines the intersection of globalization, technology, innovation, HRM practices and work organization. With an emphasis on human capital management in international business, the series stresses the importance of culture and contextually-situated knowledge a dynamic work environment, especially in the context of big emerging markets to enhancing productivity and competitiveness with a skilled work force. |
Call for Papers: Human Capital and Innovation: Examining the Role of Globalisation is the second book in the Palgrave Studies in Global Human Capital Management series. The aim of the book is to explore how human capital contributes to innovation in multinational organisations within the context of inter-connected globalised world. Globalisation refers to growing economic dependence among countries as reflected in the increasing cross-border flows of goods and services, know-how and people. It has led to slicing of value chain, spatial division and disaggregation of work across the globe. Scholars argue that multinational organisations are best placed to exploit the benefits offered by globalisation. In the early phases of globalisation, multinational organisations outsourced production to low cost locations in developing countries to stay ahead in the competition. However, in recent years, multinational organisations have started to setup offshore research and development centres and acquiring local firms in developing countries to exploit available skills and talent to find new ways to innovate. There are enough examples of developing countries, such as India and China, that have develop competitive advantage based on their human capital. We invite contributions in this emerging area of study with examples from a range of industries and countries. Submission deadline: 31 March 2016 Final submission deadline: 30 June 2016 Publication date: Autum 2016 For more information or to submit a proposal, please contact Professor Sumit Kundu at [log in to unmask] or Dr Surender Munjal at [log in to unmask] |
[log in to unmask]">
Dear Colleague:
The University of Colorado Denver CIBER invites you to participate in the January 5-15, 2016 ASEAN faculty development
in international business program featuring one of the most dynamic and important regions in Asia and the world – the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. If it were a single country, ASEAN would be the world’s 7th largest economy with a 2014 GDP of over
$2.5 trillion and a population of over 600 million.
Strategically, $5.3 trillion of global trade passes through ASEAN waters annually punctuating the international
importance for the region’s stability and security. The US is ASEAN’s third largest trading partner and over 3 million Americans visit ASEAN annually. Almost $100 billion of US goods and services exports go to the ASEAN countries annually with 7% of export-dependent
US jobs supported by ASEAN exports.
We invite you and your colleagues to participate in this ten day program and examine the dynamics of integration
that are taking place in the ASEAN region as viewed from two key countries: Singapore and the Philippines. The program will encompass company and cultural site visits, and briefings by business experts, officials on ASEAN and the ASEAN Economic Community,
and academic thought leaders.
The faculty program fee is $4500 based on single occupancy; the fee for spouses or adult guests (at least 21 years
of age, lodging with their faculty or business professional sponsor) is $3750. The fee includes hotel, many meals, transportation from Singapore to the Philippines, in-country transportation, site visits, and cultural tours. It does not include airfare from
your home to Singapore and back to your home country from the Philippines, incidental expenses, tips, passport and visa fees, and several meals. Guests may participate in either the business or concurrent guest program.
Applications will be accepted until October 15, 2015 at For additional information, please visit and questions can be answered by contacting
[log in to unmask] or 303-315-8887.
This program is hosted by the University of Colorado Denver CIBER; co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education
through Centers for International Business Education and Research at Brigham Young University, Indiana University, Michigan State University, Ohio State University, San Diego State University, Texas A&M University, University of Maryland, University of Miami,
and University of South Carolina; and co-sponsored by the Asian Institute of Management.
We hope that you will join us in exploring this fascinating region!
[log in to unmask]">
Manuel Serapio
Faculty Director
Institute for International Business
Center for International Business, Education and Research (CIBER)
Faculty Development in International Business -
Globalization Workshops
June 2-5, 2016, Atlanta, GA.
Call for Poster Proposals on Innovation in Teaching International Business
Do you have an idea or best practice to share with fellow educators who teach international business? Are you interested in learning about their classroom innovations? Or just network with others
who share a passion for enhancing international business education?
If so, consider attending the annual Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB,, sponsored by the national network of CIBERs and hosted by Georgia State
University CIBER in Atlanta, GA, June 2-5, 2016.
Participants in the 2016 FDIB are also invited to submit proposals to poster sessions. These poster sessions are dedicated to expose and share cutting-edge practices in teaching IB. The FDIB 2016
program will include a list of poster presenters and their topics. Top three presenters will be recognized with a monetary award.
The 2016 FDIB Poster Session Committee is seeking proposals that reflect the best thinking and cutting-edge practices in the field. These proposals should:
-Reflect innovation and cutting edge content
-Encourage discussion and audience engagement
-Present evidence based on or supported by research
-Target a variety of professionals
-Lend themselves to adoption by other educators
The following are illustrative of issues that may be considered:
-Classroom innovations to enhance learning of international business concepts
-Creating active and engaging learning experiences
-Use of instructional technology in content delivery and learning
-Engaging exercises to reinforce learning of IB concepts
-New content (modules, cases, games, etc.) for teaching IB
-Experiential learning in IB (study abroad, internships, field studies, etc.)
-The scholarship of teaching and learning in IB
-Creating and sustaining cross-border partnerships that enrich classroom experience
-Content specific to teaching specialized IB courses such as International Marketing, Cross-cultural Management, etc.
Submission Instructions
Submit two documents, one for the poster proposal and one for your contact information. Both documents must include the title of your submission. Please follow the following format and style:
-Use double-spaced format, Times New Roman, 12-point font
-Start with the poster title
-Include an extended abstract: 1000 words maximum, plus selected references
Please include the following headings in your submission:
-Description of the contribution
-Target audience
-Relevance to teaching specific course in IB
-Your own experience with this practice or tool
-Include any additional materials such as tables, figures, graphs, etc.
-Your submission can be either a Word document or pdf format.
To ensure a blind review, authors should avoid revealing their identities in the body or reference section of the proposal. Contact information including authors’ names, address, phone numbers, e-mails,
titles, affiliations, and proposal title should be provided in a separate document.
Please submit poster proposals at
by January 15, 2016. If you have any questions regarding the poster session or the submission process, please contact Dr. Mourad Dakhli, FDIB 2016 Poster Session Chair at
[log in to unmask].
Proposal Selection Process
All poster proposals will be
evaluated by a peer review committee following a double-blind process; reviewers will not know the authors, nor will authors know the names of their reviewers. The Poster Session Review Committee is made-up of five members with extensive IB teaching and
research experience, and representing institutions of higher educations on four continents.
The Committee will review the poster proposals and official notices of acceptance for the Poster Session will be communicated by
February 15, 2016. Poster presenters must register in the 2016 FDIB by
April 30, 2016 to be included in the program.
Note: Additional instructions will be shared with Poster Session participants along with acceptance notices.
Colleagues whose proposals are accepted for presentation at the poster session will have their names included in the official FDIB 2016 conference program.
Each poster proposal will be evaluated for:
-Importance of the topic to the audience
-Novelty and creativity
-Adaptability for use by other faculty members
Best Poster Awards
Workshop attendees will be polled for the top three posters. Monetary prizes will be awarded for the first, second, and third place posters during the lunch on Sunday, June 5. Prizes will be $1,000,
$700, and $500 for first, second, and third places, respectively.
S. Tamer Cavusgil, Ph.D., Executive Director
Mourad Dakhli, Ph.D., Director
Ilke Kardes, Ph.D., Research Director
Dawn Foster, Managing Director
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Mourad Dakhli, PhD
Associate Professor &
Director, Center for International Business Education and Research
J. Mack Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University
Phone: +(1) 404-413-7435
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that in response to the large number of requests received from participants at the AIB and AOM conferences, we have extended the submission deadline for chapters to 1 December 2015. We look forward to receiving your submission.
Call for Chapters
Publication: International Business and Management Series (Emerald)
Title: Global Talent Management and Staffing in MNEs
Guest Editors
Ying Guo University of South Australia
Peter J. Dowling La Trobe University
Hussain G. Rammal University of South Australia
The ability of MNEs to attract, develop, manage and retain talent across its global network can be a source of competitive advantage (Collings & Mellahi, 2009; Tarique & Schuler, 2010). Talent management
involves managing employee development in a global context and staffing the worldwide operations of the MNE (Collings, 2014; Sidani & Al Ariss, 2014).
Historically, expatriate assignments were for an extended period of time. However, the high cost associated with expatriate assignments has forced MNEs to use short-term international staffing arrangements
(Collings, Scullion, & Morley, 2007; Reiche, Kraimer, & Harzing, 2011). These alternative arrangements include short-term commuter assignments and virtual assignments (Collings, et al., 2007; Dowling, Festing, & Engle, 2013). MNEs are now more focussed on
developing and using the global talent pool rather than sending expatriates for specific tasks (Sparrow, Scullion, & Tarique, 2014).
For this volume, we invite chapters on issues relating to talent management in MNEs with an emphasis on global mobility from organizational, individual and contextual perspectives. From the organizational
perspective, we are interested in topics related to the arrangement and management of various workforce patterns in the global operations of MNEs. We are also interested in exploring how expatriates develop their careers through international assignments (Bonache,
Brewster, & Suutari, 2001; Dickmann & Harris, 2005). From a contextual perspective, issues related to talent management by MNEs in both developed and emerging economies are also of interest (Farndale, Scullion, & Sparrow, 2010).
We invite conceptual and empirical submissions that address the following topics (but are not limited to):
What is the role of HR in implementing and facilitating global staffing and talent management in MNEs?
What are the antecedents and outcomes of talent management and global staffing at individual, organizational and country level?
How do contextual factors influence talent management and staffing in MNEs?
What influences MNE global staffing choices with respect to parent country nationals (PCNs), third country nationals (TCNs) and host country nationals (HCNs)?
Submission Information:
Authors should submit an electronic copy of their chapter (9,000 words in length) to the Guest Editors of the volume ([log in to unmask]).
Submission deadline for chapters: 1 December 2015 (revised date)
Submission deadline for revised chapters:
29 February 2016
The International Business and Management series applies a truly international perspective to the study of international business, with a special emphasis on management and marketing issues and aims
to advance the frontiers of knowledge in this fast developing field. Further information on the International Business and Management Series can be found at:
Bonache, J., Brewster, C., & Suutari, V. (2001). Expatriation: A developing research agenda. Thunderbird International Business Review, 43, 3-20.
Collings, D. G. (2014). Integrating global mobility and global talent management: Exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities. Journal of World Business, 49, 253-261.
Collings, D. G., & Mellahi, K. (2009). Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 19, 304-313.
Collings, D. G., Scullion, H., & Morley, M. J. (2007). Changing patterns of global staffing in the multinational enterprise: challenges to the conventional expatriate assignment and emerging alternatives.
Journal of World Business, 42, 198-213.
Dickmann, M., & Harris, H. (2005). Developing career capital for global careers: The role of international assignments. Journal of World Business, 40, 399-408.
Dowling, P., Festing, M., & Engle, A. (2013). International Human Resource Management (6th ed.). London: Cengage Learning.
Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. (2010). The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management. Journal of World Business, 45, 161-168.
Reiche, S. B., Kraimer, M. L., & Harzing, A.-W. (2011). Why do international assignees stay? An organizational embeddedness perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 42, 521-544.
Sidani, Y., & Al Ariss, A. (2014). Institutional and corporate drivers of global talent management: Evidence from the Arab Gulf Region. Journal of World Business, 49, 215-224.
Sparrow, P., Scullion, H., & Tarique, I. (2014). Strategic talent management: contemporary issues in international context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tarique, I., & Schuler, R. S. (2010). Global talent management: Literature review, integrative framework, and suggestions for further research. Journal of World Business, 45, 122-133.
****Apologies for Cross-Postings, Please Circulate Widely****
Nation-and Institution Building in Africa in the 21st Century: The Role of Chinese Firms
November 6-7, 2015
Shangri-La, Jing An, Shanghai, China
We are pleased to invite you to the 1st UNNC CHINA-AFRICA SUMMIT 2015 (
Interplay between Theory & Practice
Let's take a break from the all-day plenary preaching format with its 20-something minute rhythm and jump out of the conference room. Internationally recognized intellectuals will inter-act with leading global voices on globalization and emerging markets.
The 1st UNNC CHINA-AFRICA SUMMIT 2015 will offer a rich format of rather intimate and exclusive session to address different questions of global concern. We aim to stimulate interaction between participants with shared interests and offer great opportunities for meaningful connections.
The Speakers
Come and learn from famous experts about on-going and future activities of Chinese firms in the African. Our expert team includes:
Who Should Attend?
· Entrepreneurs and business owners
· Chief executive officers and general managers
· Presidents, board members and chairs
· Business development executives
· Corporate counsels and legal advisors
· Government officials and policy makers
· Professors, scientists, researchers
· Intergovernmental & non-governmental sector
Academic Track
During the summit we will discuss and invite abstracts to papers which address following major research questions that will guide the 1st UNNC China-Africa Summit:
1. What are the on-going and future activities of Chinese firms in the African extractive and infrastructure sector, including their social and environmental impact?
2. What are the conditions and mechanisms for knowledge transfer and capacity building for African host countries institutions to best benefit from China’s massive investment into natural resources and infrastructure in Africa?
3. How can China’s massive investment in the African extractive and infrastructure sector contribute to the continent’s industrialization and become a catalyst of the nation-and institution building process of African countries?
Research tracks:
1. Trade and investment
2. National versus corporate strategy
3. Project governance and contracting
4. Sustainable finance
5. Industrialization
6. Capacity building, capabilities and knowledge transfer
7. Environmental governance
8. Social impact, stakeholder engagement and conflict resolution
9. China-Africa relations and resource diplomacy
For the submission and further information on papers please see:
Dates and Deadlines
· Submission open: July 1, 2015
· Submission deadline: October 1, 2015
· Notice of acceptance: October 8, 2015
· Conference: November 6-7, 2015
Registration Fee
Track size is limited, so enrol today! For additional information and online registration please our website at: !
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Shanghai.
Kind regards,
Ulf Richter
Dr. Ulf Henning Richter
Assistant Professor of Strategy
Nottingham University Business School China
Office: AB 356
199 Taikang East Road
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China 315100
Tel: +86 574 88186342
Mob: +86 1886785 9353
Fax: +86 574 88180188
Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: September 1, 2015 AIB Mini-Conference | Bocconi University | Milan, Italy
Breaking up the Global Value Chain: Possibilities and Consequences
Attached is the CALL FOR PAPERS
Key-note speakers:
Conference website:
Conference Organizing Committee: |