Dear AIB Moderator,
I would be very grateful if you could please distribute the Call for Book Chapters below to the AIB List. Thank you.
Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun
Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Local and Global Perspectives
TYPES OF PAPERS FOR SUBMISSIONS – Your submission can be in any of the following four categories:
A quantitative and/or qualitative research paper; or
A theoretical model; or
A literature review paper (but needs to provide theoretical insights based on review of relevant literature); or
An authorized biographical research paper
· Traditional and contemporary approaches to leadership and management in organizations.
· Leadership and strategic management in higher education
· Financial resources in higher education
· Internationalization in higher education
· Teaching and research in higher education.
· Human resource management in higher education
· Institutional governance in higher education
· Management of student satisfaction and retention in higher education
· Leadership and management of residential and dining facilities in higher education
· Management of the accreditation process in higher education
· Marketing of higher education
· Leadership and Spirituality in higher education
· Women in leadership and management of higher education
· Motivation of staff in higher education
· Leadership and management of employees performance in higher education
· Leadership and management of institutional advancements (including Alumni Associations) in higher education
· Management of organizational change in higher education
· Leadership and sports management in higher education
· Exporting of higher education
· Leadership and management of information technology in higher education
· Managing ethical issues in higher education
· Leadership and management factors contributing to effective performance in higher education
The above list is by no means exhaustive as other topics in the field of leadership and management will also be considered.
Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be single spaced, Times New Roman font, 12pt size, with 2.4cm margin on all four sides and using Windows. The title of your paper must be written in bold capital letters using 12pt Times New Roman font. Also all headings and sub-headings must be written in bold capital letters using 12pt Times New Roman font. All tables and figures should be incorporated into the body of the paper with titles at the top left of the table or figure.
The manuscript should have two covers. The first cover should contain the title, abstract, full authorship, authors’ academic degrees, professional titles, affiliations, postal and email addresses, acknowledgement of research sponsors and assistance. This should then be followed by another cover that only indicates the article title and the abstract (this will be used for anonymous refereeing). This second cover should be followed by the full paper.
Manuscripts should be emailed to Dr Gabriel Ogunmokun at the following email addresses: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] The subject of the email should be: Book chapter for Leadership and Management in Higher Education. All paper(s) will be subjected to a double blind, peer review process.
The book will be edited by Dr David Hall, the President of the University of the Virgin Islands and Dr Gabriel Ogunmokun, the President of the World Academy of Researchers, Educators and Scholars, and a Professor at the University of the Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands.
Deadline for Submission of Chapters: 18th September 2015