Susanne Gretzinger, Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske
Innovation Networks - Editorial
Anna Kunttu & Lasse Torkkeli
Service innovation and internationalization in SMEs: Implications for growth and performance
Stine Jessen Haakonsson & Vandana Ujjual
Internationalisation of R&D: New insights into multinational enterprises' R&D strategies in emerging markets
Stan De Spiegelaere, Guy Van Gyes, Hans De Witte & Geert Van Hootegem
Job design, work engagement and innovative work behavior: A multi-level study on Karasek's learning hypothesis
Andre Veenendaal & Tanya Bondarouk
Perceptions of HRM and their effect on dimensions of innovative work behaviour: Evidence from a manufacturing firm
Andrea Hanebuth
Success factors of virtual research teams - Does distance still matter?