*With apologies for cross posting.* [image: cid:[log in to unmask]] *Inaugural June 2015 Issue**:* <http://amd.aom.org/content/current> *Academy of Management Discoveries* *The Academy of Management is proud to announce the inaugural issue of **Academy of Management Discoveries* <http://amd.aom.org/content/current>*!* *The mission of the Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) is to promote the creation and dissemination of new empirical evidence that strengthens our understanding of substantively important yet poorly understood phenomena concerning management and organizations. AMD welcomes phenomenon-driven research that employs quantitative and/or qualitative methods at any level of analysis (e.g., individuals, groups, organizations, industries, societies). The journal will publish articles presenting strong and persuasive evidence and provides readers clear and timely implications for understanding and improving management and organizations. Studies appearing in AMD could be used as a basis for theory development or theory-based empirical articles developed for other AOM journals. * *The **Academy of Management Discoveries* <http://amd.aom.org/content/current>*, new innovate multi-media experience includes:* *-Media enhanced Abstract, Full-Text and PDF content pages* *-Whiteboard Video Abstracts* *-Author Voice Questions and Answers* *-Play in Place Audio & Video* *-Hyperlinking within Article* *June AMD issue includes these featured articles:* *Why the Internet Makes Buying a Car Less Loathsome: How Technologies Change Role Relations* <http://amd.aom.org/content/1/1/5.abstract> Stephen R. Barley *The Team Descriptive Index (TDI): A Multidimensional Scaling Approach for Team Description* <http://amd.aom.org/content/1/1/91.abstract> Stephanie M. Lee, Joel Koopman, John R. Hollenbeck, Linda C. Wang and Klodiana Lanaj *Organizational Identity and Culture in the Context of Managed Change: Transformation in the Carlsberg Group, 2009–2013* <http://amd.aom.org/content/1/1/58.abstract> Mary Jo Hatch, Majken Schultz and Anne-Marie Skov *How “Organization” Can Weaken the Norm of Reciprocity: The Effects of Attributions for Favors and a Calculative Mindset* <http://amd.aom.org/content/1/1/36.abstract> Peter Belmi and Jeffrey Pfeffer *Please take a moment to review some of the other AMD editorial resources:* *Special Issue Call for Papers: Changing Nature of Work* <http://AOM.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT00NTEzNTU0JnA9MSZ1PTgzNzAwNjY4MSZsaT0yODczMzIyNw/index.html> *Prepare* <http://AOM.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT00NTEzNTU0JnA9MSZ1PTgzNzAwNjY4MSZsaT0yODczMzIyOA/index.html> and *Submit* <http://AOM.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT00NTEzNTU0JnA9MSZ1PTgzNzAwNjY4MSZsaT0yODczMzIyOQ/index.html> a Manuscript *Andrew Van de Ven's "From the Editor"* <http://AOM.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT00NTEzNTU0JnA9MSZ1PTgzNzAwNjY4MSZsaT0yODczMzIzMA/index.html> *Come discover the **New, ** ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT DISCOVERIES* <http://amd.aom.org/content/current>*, TODAY!* Yours sincerely, [image: http://aom.informz.net/AOM/data/images/AHV-signature.png] Andrew H. Van de Ven Editor, *Academy of Management Discoveries* <http://www.aom.org/amd> [image: small] For more information regarding Academy of Management Discoveries, or any other AOM journal, please contact the publications department at [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.