Call for Applications
2015 AIB US-NE Doctoral Consortium and Paper Development Workshop (Oct 22, 2015)
Submission Deadline: July
31 2015
The deadline
– July 31 - for submitting applications
for this year's Academy of International Business (AIB) US-NE Doctoral
Consortium and Paper Development Workshop is approaching fast! Don't
miss it! The workshop will
be held on October 22, 2015, and hosted by the College
of Management at University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB) at
the Campus Center of UMB in downtown Boston – a city with a rich cultural and historical heritage, and a global hub for education, science & technology. Details can be found at:
We welcome Ph.D. students from across disciplines (e.g. business, management, political science, economics, sociology) sharing an interest in international business issues. Topics may include but are not limited to: theory
of the MNE; managing geographic and institutional distance; international financing/financial systems; joint ventures and alliances; political risk, lobbying, and corruption; international expansion, sourcing and foreign entry modes; learning and knowledge
management; and managing in cross-cultural contexts. In addition, we welcome participants who share a specific interest in political economy issues of international business, including the role of MNEs as political actors; MNEs and economic development; interactions
with governments and NGOs; global governance and other topics (see also: general conference details).
The consortium will provide a unique opportunity for doctoral students to further develop their research ideas, to learn about the challenges of conducting international business research and building a successful
academic career in this field, and to broaden their professional networks. The Doctoral Consortium is open to students from all over the world. Although each participant will be required to register for the 2015 AIB-NE Annual Meeting, there are no additional
fees for participating in this consortium. The early-bird conference fee (registration until August 31) for doctoral students is only $80. After August 31, the conference fee for students will be $120. Students may also apply for a waiver. Details can be found
below and on the conference website:
The 2015 AIB US-NE Doctoral Consortium will be moderated and mentored by highly accomplished scholars of international business who are leading representatives of the field and senior/chief editors of major journals.
They include: Ram Mudambi (Temple U, Area Editor JIBS), Rajneesh Narula (John H Dunning Chair of International Business, U Reading) and Mona Makhija (Ohio State U, Senior Editor JIBS).
Submission Details
Doctoral students are invited to submit 3-page proposals to apply for the doctoral student consortium. Proposals should be submitted
to the website:
Applications should include:
- Abstract of the dissertation proposal (not to exceed 3 pages, single spaced): Please include title, author information,
abstract, keywords, and dissertation research summary. Diagrams, tables, and references should be provided at the end of the document but do not count towards the 3-page limit. The extended abstract should succinctly cover the research question, theoretical
background, proposed research design, and intended contribution.
- Resume
(not exceeding 1 page): Highlight your academic and work experience, along with publications including manuscripts
under review. (Please combine the abstract and resume into one document).
- Letter
of nomination: The student's dissertation advisor should send a nomination letter to the Consortium Co-Chairs. The
letter should discuss the progress of the student in the program and his/her academic performance and potential. If the student is enrolled in a doctoral program that does not have a formal proposal defense, the dissertation advisor's statement of approval
of the proposal will suffice.
Please e-mail proposals to co-host Chacko Kannothra ("AIB Doctoral Consortium"):
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Deadline for applications
is July 31 2015.
The best proposal will receive a Doctoral Student Best Proposal Award.
Paper Development Workshop
In addition, we will have a paper development workshop (PDW) on October 22, following the Doctoral Consortium. The PDW is designed
to facilitate general feedback and a one-on-one feedback session with a well-known scholar on a particular paper. Both PhD students and more senior scholars can participate. For this purpose, please submit
a short paper of 3,000 words or a preliminary full paper of 10,000 to 12,000 words by July 31 2015. Final full papers shall be submitted, based on acceptance of the initial submission, by August 31 2015.