TIBR July/August 2015, Vol. 57, No. 4 Table of Contents


View from Practice

What Europe needs is an innovation-driven entrepreneurship ecosystem: Introducing EDIE
Mark Esposito; Terence Tse, Olaf Groth,

Multinational Corporations and the Transforming Operational Environment in China

Dilip Das

Main Articles:

On the influence of interpersonal relations on business practices in Latin America: a comparison with the Chinese Guanxi and the Arab Wasta

Juan David Rodriguez-Rios, Andres Velez-Calle; Cristina Robledo-Ardila

Religion and the clash of 'ideals' and 'realities' in business: the case of Islamic sukuk

Mervyn Lewis, Rafisah Mat Radzi

Intermediary Products: FDI Strategies, Imports, Exports and Trade Balances in Developed Economies

Stuart Napshin, Lance Brouthers

The impact of strategic market entry considerations on the financial performance of Chinese investment in the Australian mining industry

Charlie Xueli Huang


Suzy Howell, Managing Editor

Thunderbird International Business Review &

Thunderbird Case Series Manager

Thunderbird School of Global Management

A unit of the Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise

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