

Dear colleagues,
The latest issue (Vol. 22, Issue 3) of Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (to be retitled in 2016 as Cross Cultural & Strategic Management) is available in Earlycite<>.
This is the first issue under the editorship of Professor Rosalie L. Tung and the new editorial team, and contains an editorial elaborating on the new focus of the journal as well as the decision to change the publication's name. More information on the incoming editorial team can be found here<>.
This issue also contains the first in a series of Distinguished Scholar's Essays that features invited papers by well-known scholars on important global management issues and/or identify emerging topics of research interest. In this issue. John W. Berry proposes that the achievement of a more global psychology may be within reach and discusses its implications for cross-cultural research and management.

Table of contents: Volume 22, Issue 3
From the Editor
Rosalie Tung
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-05-2015-0068

Global psychology: Implications for cross-cultural research and management
John Berry
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-03-2015-0031

National context and organizational performance across three sectors
G. Ronald Gilbert, Mary Ann Von Glinow
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-01-2014-0010

Antecedents of attitudes toward the website: the moderating role of long-term orientation and individualism
Juan Miguel Alcántara-Pilar, Salvador Del Barrio-García
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-04-2014-0044

The impact of stressors during international assignments
Katherine Rosenbusch, Leonard J. Cerny II, David R. Earnest
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-09-2013-0134

Attitudes to other ethnicities among New Zealand workers
Carla Anne Houkamau, Peter Boxall
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-10-2013-0155

HRM and temporary workers' well-being: a study in Portugal and Brazil
Maria José Chambel, Anete Farina
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-07-2013-0105

Team performance in cross cultural project teams: the moderated mediation role of consensus, heterogeneity, faultlines and trust
Merce Mach, Yehuda Baruch
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-10-2014-0114

The moderating role of Hofstede's cultural dimensions in the customer-brand relationship in China and India
Won-Moo Hur, Seongho Kang, Minsung Kim
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-10-2013-0150

Impact of cultural positions on FDI's entry mode
Cristina López-Duarte, Marta M. Vidal-Suárez, Belén González-Díaz
Abstract<> | PDF<>
DOI: 10.1108/CCM-07-2014-0086

If the above hyperlinks do not work, then please use the following URL to access the current issue:
Richard F. J. Haans
Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Social Media Editor, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (to be retitled in 2016 as Cross Cultural & Strategic Management)

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