Are you the composting expert among your friends? Looking for part-time meaningful work? Help Lansing grow - and compost!
The Composting Program Coordinator will assist in the expansion and operation of a city wide curbside compost pickup. This
includes the outreach and education it would take to engage community members and area businesses in the program and get
them participating, the actual composting of the materials, educating gardeners on how & why to compost, and distributing
finished compost to our gardens. This will make our gardens more successful, create more community buy-in to our program, help
close the loop of valuable soil nutrients which are largely going to waste at this time, and ultimately contribute to increased access
to healthy locally grown organic produce for the community.

The member should be capable of serving with very little overhead, and should be very independent.
Other responsibilities include:
Recruit community members and area businesses into the program through outreach and education, providing the raw
materials to be composted
 Provide education and insight to gardeners on best practices for composting and utilizing compost
 Develop a curbside pickup route and procedures to ensure sanitary conditions at all times
Use the Land Bank’s tools and resources to develop large scale hot compost windrows, resulting in quick transformation
of raw inputs into finished compost
Recruit volunteers to help with the program, and help publicize the program’s benefits and the cooperation of our
community partners

More information here:

Julie Cotton, M.S.

Academic Specialist
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems
Michigan State University
A264 Plant and Soil Science Building
East Lansing, MI 48824

517-355-0271 ext. 1156
