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Full programme:


Leadership, Management, Innovation in Professional & Knowledge Intensive Organisations:
People and process challenges in the global knowledge economy

                                                                                       AIRC4 Programme
                                                                    PRESENTERS' NAMES IN BOLD

Friday 12th June 2015
14.00  -14.15

Carla Millar, Stephen Chen, Lee Waller

14.15 - 15.45


Opening Panel of Experts
People and process challenges in the knowledge intensive nexus
      Laurent Choain, Chief HR Officer, Mazars Group, Paris
      Richard Cleverly, Global Head of Talent, Financial & Risk, Thomson Reuters
      Philip Sadler, Tomorrow's Company and former CEO, Ashridge
      David Young, Head of Leadership Development BT Group at BT
Chair: Professor Kai Peters, CEO Ashridge Business School

15.45 - 16.30

Tea, Wyatt Room

16.30 - 18.30

Conference Session I:

I .1The Nexus of    Knowledge


I .2 Leadership in    KIOs

Old Lib

Trust and knowledge sharing
Tatiana Khvatova, Madeleine Block
           Exploring the role of task-related trust in intra-organisational knowledge sharing
Roger Fullwood
           Factors affecting knowledge sharing amongst UK academics
Bindu Gupta, Ajay Singh
           Selected HR practices:  The moderating role of organizational cultural values
Session Chair: Martin Lockett, Ashridge Business School

Personality and creativity
Piia Uusi-Kakkuri
           Creative leaders:
           The relationship between creativity and a leader's personality and gender
Lulu Zhou, Shuming Zhao, Feng (Karen) Tian, Xufan Zhang, Hufei Ge
           Visionary leadership and employee creativity:
           Evidence from knowledge intensive organizations in China
Sandor Löwik
          Wanted: A transformational leader or Machiavellist as CEO:
          How personality traits explain individual managerial ambidexterity
Session Chair: Angela Muir, Ashridge Business School

19.00 - 20.30

Dinner, Main Dining Hall

Saturday 13th June 2015

08.45 - 10.00

II .1  The Nexus of Knowledge


II .2  Leadership in KIOs

Old Lib

Conference Session II

Managing knowledge
Chris Mabey
           Effective management of knowledge exchange:
          A conceptual investigation of five leadership paradoxes
Alastair McCapra
          From KI to AI:
          Professional bodies and knowledge management in the age of the robot
Session Chair: Martin Lockett, Ashridge Business School

Self-Leadership for change and transformation
Terry Porter
          Living the mission:
          A case study of a self-transforming UK civil society organization linking
          knowledge management, social sustainability, complex systems
 Maria Nathan
         The knowledge worker as CEO of self
Session Chair: Caryn Vanstone, Ashridge Business School

10.00-  10.30

Coffee, Wyatt Room

10.30 - 12.45


12.45 - 14.00

Keynote Addresses I

Talent and knowledge cultivation in knowledge intensive firms

Philip Sadler, Senior Fellow, Tomorrow's Company and former CEO Ashridge
          The talent intensive organisation, the 1993 starting blocks
Juani Swart, Professor of Human Capital, School of Management, University
           of Bath
          HR policies and processes to manage knowledge professionals in
          contemporary contexts
Laurent Choain, Chief HR Officer, Mazars Group, Paris
           Innovation, education and HR strategy in professional tervice firms

Chair: Professor Stephen Chen, University of Newcastle, AUS; Chair AIRC4

Lunch, Main Dining Hall

14.00 - 16.00

III .1The Nexus of    Knowledge


III .2 Leadership in    KIOs

Old Lib

Conference Session III

Ethics and trust
Barbara Wang
                Truth and trust: The IP challenge in the partnership of Chinese and
              Western companies
Richard McGowan
                The tale of two weeds: tobacco, marijuana and the ethics of disgust
Katrina Hogan, Sandeep Gopalan
Leveraging codes of ethics through law to minimize agency costs
Session Chair:  John Mahon, University  of Maine, USA

Management styles
Nawtej Dosanjh
          Top management influence and ambidexterity in managerial practice
Hemangi Bhalerao, Satishchandra Kumar
          Impact of conflict management styles of leaders on the commitment
          level of subordinates in India
Kai Wing (Alex) Chu
          Leading knowledge management in a school

Session Chair: Vicki Culpin, Ashridge Business School

 16.00 - 16.30

Tea, Wyatt Room

16.30 - 18.30


"The Ashridge Experience"
Caryn Vanstone,  Ashridge Business School and Lacerta Consulting
          Leading for innovation in KIOs:
          Rethinking knowledge, people, risk and the role of improvisation

18.30 - 19.30

A walk in the grounds or Tour of the Mansion and/or Publishing Clinic

19.30 - 20.00

Publishers' Reception on the Loggia

20.00 - 22.00

Old Lib

Conference Dinner in the Old Library
After dinner speech "Risk and leaders" by the 'Priest of Sin'

Sunday 14 June 2015

09.00 - 10.15

IV.1The Nexus of    Knowledge


IV.2 Leadership in    KIOs

Old Lib

Conference Session IV

Emotion and knowledge transfer
José Vargas-Hernandes, Patricia Carmona-Fuentes, Roberto E. Rosas-Reyes
                The influence of emotional intelligence on job performance
Christina  Swart-Opperman,  Kurt April
Understanding innovation and emotive outlook of knowledge teams
in Namibia

Session Chair: Kerrie Fleming, Ashridge Business School

Leadership and performance
Tomohiko Tanikawa, Yuhee Jung
                The effect of TMT diversity in knowledge industry:
The interactive role of TMT diversity, the CEO power and past performance
Caroline Rowland, Roger Hall
           Leadership in turbulent times:
           Realities of a white-water world

Session Chair: Lee Waller, Ashridge Business School

10.15 - 10.45

Coffee, Wyatt Room

10.45- 12.45

Keynote Addresses II
Leading and developing people in knowledge intensive firms

Dame Fiona Woolf, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna and the 686th Lord
           Mayor of London (2013-2014)
          Talent development in the City
John Mahon, Chair of International Business Policy and Strategy and
           Professor of Management, University of Maine, USA
          Knowledge acculturation, retention and corruption in knowledge
           intensive organizations
Vlatka Hlupic, Professor of Business and Management, Dept. of Leadership
          and Professional Development, Westminster Business School
         The management shift in knowledge intensive organisations

Chair: Vicki Culpin,
Dean of Faculty and Director of Research, Ashridge Business School

12.45 - 13.00

Concluding Practice                                                            Lee Waller, Chair AIRC4

Concluding Academe and Closing of conference   Carla Millar, Chair AIRC4

13.00 - 14.00

End-of-Conference Lunch, Main Dining Hall

Carla Millar
Prof. Dr. Carla C.J.M. Millar

Professor, International Marketing & Management, University of Twente, School of Management & Governance.
   PO Box 217, 7500 AE  Enschede, The Netherlands, 0031 53 489 5355, 0031 33 462 7343
   [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Fellow, Ashridge Business School, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 1NS, UK, 0044 1442 84 1175, 0044 20 7402 4700,
    [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Director, Europrofile NL, De Timmerij, Breestraat 38, 3811 BK Amersfoort, The Netherlands,0031 33 462 7343,
   [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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