

Why Change is the New Normal. Managing Transformational Shifts

Edited by Horst Ellermann, Peter Kreutter, Ulrich Meister, and Wolfgang Messner

Call for Contribution


Dear all,


We cordially invite you to contribute a chapter to a volume we are co-editing. Why Change is the New Normal. Managing Transformational Shifts will be a compendium of writings intended to shed light on business transformation. Our wish is to bring together international business practitioners, academics, and market researchers. We plan to publish with Palgrave Macmillan in the UK, either as a two-volume monograph or as a larger one-volume academic handbook.


The editors are:

·         Horst Ellermann. Editor in Chief of the CIO Magazine in Germany, and moderator of the Hamburg Strategy Days.

·         Peter Kreutter. Director of the WHU Foundation, Managing Director of the Wipro Center for Business Resilience at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, member of the board of trustees of the CIO Foundation.

·         Ulrich Meister. Senior Vice President for Continental Europe & Africa at Wipro Technologies.

·         Wolfgang Messner. Professor of International Management at MYRA School of Business, Adjunct Faculty at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Director of GloBus Research.


This project is supported by the Wipro Center for Business Resilience at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.


We have completed the first round of collecting abstracts and registered 30+ proposals from 45+ authors. Due to this high level of interest, Palgrave Macmillan has offered us to publish either a two-volume monograph or a larger one-volume academic handbook. As a result, we now have room for a few more good contributions.


Please see the call-for-contribution document (, which contains details about the book’s structure, abstracts received, and the style guide.


We would need your fully completed chapter by July 31, 2015. Expected length is 3,000 to 10,000 words (all inclusive). Please use the chapter template:


For any questions, you can reach the editorial team at [log in to unmask].


Your sincerely,




Dr. Wolfgang Messner

Professor of International Management, MYRA School of Business

Director, GloBus Research


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Phone: +91 99 8659 8650 / +91 78 2900 0312 / Skype: wolfgangmessner


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