Dear colleagues, The Women in Academy of International Business (WAIB) association is working to inspire and reach out to the women around the world, and to enhance diversity and gender awareness at The Academy of International Business. Our mission is specifically to promote womens role and visibility within the AIB. This includes the support for business women from emerging markets, and the establishment of connections with business women in the corporate world. You will have noted from the AIB 2015 conference program that we will sponsor a variety of activities again, including our hugely popular WAIB Reception and awards ceremony, open to current and prospective WAIB members. We are also co-funding a number of young high-potential female scholars to attend the conference, and we sponsor three panels (see www.kelley/ . As our annual call for donations, this is an email to provide you with an opportunity to contribute to our cause: Please support WAIB ! Donations to the General Fund will be used for the above activities and attributed as most suitable and needed; 100 % of donations to the WAIB Helping Hands campaign will be used as awards. All donors will be listed on the WAIB website under their respective categories and will be recognized at the WAIB business meeting in Bangalore, India 2015. WAIB Helping Hands Campaign Levels of Support $300.00 or more Platinum $200.00 299.00 Gold $100.00 199.00 Silver $50.00 99.00 Bronze $10.00 49.00 Copper Making a difference is as easy as 1-2-3, using the attached donation form. ONE: Select which fund(s) you support and the amount the WAIB Helping Hands Campaign and/or the WAIB General Fund. TWO: Provide the name to appear on the donors list, if you would like. THREE: Specify the payment format check or credit card and follow the submission instruction. Thank you very much for supporting WAIB! Please see the attached form for donations, or visit our website to download it : www.kelley/ If you have any questions, please contact Dan Li, Secretary-Treasurer at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> With kind regards and thanks for your contribution, The 2013-2015 WAIB BOARD Professor Gabriele Suder WAIB President Director, International Relations - The University of Melbourne Principal Fellow Faculty of Business and Economics/Melbourne Business School, Latest Publication Peter McPhee Terraces, 272 Faraday Street (Bldg 344) The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia T: +61 3 8344 0858 M: +61 402 969 007 E: [log in to unmask] [cid:EC61F731-3AEC-4FC1-8A23-0BFBC2F8D550] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.