Student journal is requesting articles written by undergraduate IB students.  Editors of the student journal, Journal of Global Business and Community, are recruiting articles from undergraduates.  This is a journal written by undergraduate students.  Please send us your written work that could be used as articles.  You can consider sending case write-ups, homework assignments, or term papers.  Just make sure they are stand alone, i.e., they make sense all by themselves and don’t need to be explained.


To submit your work, go to and follow the instructions.  The reviewers will blind review your article and contact you regarding any changes that need to be made. 


We publish 2 times a year, in December and April.  But we have continuous submissions.  So send in your work anytime.  If you miss the deadline for 1 issue, we will hold it for the next issue.


There are no limitations on length, but it must be about some aspect of international business or economics.  If you check out our website at, then you can see past issues and articles that have been published.


If you are not sure about your submission and would like one of us to read it first, send it to [log in to unmask].  I will let you know what I think.  Then you can consider submitting it through


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